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    There's many differences between you and me brother.....

 ....but there's one thing we have in common....



 "what are going to do with me!? Why am i here!? do you know who i am!? as once as my Mother hears about this, you'll be done, your puney ugly faces will be sent to prison and sued for everything you got! I-"

 "will you shut UP!?"

 Man, i swear every interaction with her its more annoying, blah blah blah, me, me, me, i swear if she keep's this up im gonna-

 right then, the chamber doors opened and belos came walking in

 "emporer belos, i got the girl...but why her? i mean no disrespect but she has no use in this realm"

 "hmmm, that is what you think hunter...go now, i would like a word alone with Mrs. Baker"

 "uh, yes sir"

 i left the room hearing the doors close behind me, i took a deep breathe and walked along, the hallways are always dim but you can see just fine, the guards are quiet, theres nothing much to do, i mainly just run arrands and go out doing side missions and tasks, the people here dont seem to know what fun is, ....yeah im bored

 I used to mess with the prisoners, i was fine doing it and people knew i was doing it but then one day after messing with the owl lady and her rat i found a hidden part of the dungeon to a single cell, it was like a glass box, there was something in it, i have no idea if it was a demon or not but it had a bag looking mask on with a drawing on it

 it looked grown and had wacky hair, they wore chains on then wore...old looking overalls, they had a suit in their corner

  when it saw me it was startled when they saw my uniform but when they saw Me they started banging on they glass and using signals, pointing at me then at the wall

I walked a bit closer looking at the walls, it had drawings of...emperor belos? Different pictures hung on the wall, all of belos

It started to bang louder and harder, guard came and dragged me out of there and some went in yelling at the thing, I then here a loud long shock , sounded like they were tazzing the thing

I walked away and hung my head, that thing looked scared... Maybe I should've- no, emperor Belos has it caged for a reason, but it was trying to warn me, it didn't seem to want to harm me

Screw my feelings...no, they know what really happening

Why is this so hard! Yes, Life isn't fucking easy and living in a world like this is shit but ...I ...need help

These past few weeks...months basically... he's been rash and has this...aroma ...it's un settling

(How Lilith feels about Belos now and in when Luz and her found young Philip)


(going to warn you, there is a bit of gruesome stuff here)

 Luz's POV:

 "p-Please, im sorry, i-i-i just needed money, i I-I please, let me go"

 haha, You wont belive what this dumbass did, i walked around drinking my coffee right? then boom! got plowed into and then bam! spilled my coffee all over me, this guy had a gun to my head and told me to give him my money, Ha! he didnt leave, i knocked the gun out of his hands then he drew a knife at me, put it to my throat

Inferno (TOH!!!!!) Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now