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they paced around the room..
panicked,and breathless they sat down,playing frantically with their fingers.

their eyes searched the room,scanning every little object.

Then,they heard a noise.

"What was that?" They mumbled,turning around.

The same bluebird they had encountered before perched happily on the windowsill.

"The window!!"

they ran over,peeking over the edge,observing if they could climb down.

they took a deep breath,lifting their foot out of the window,and the other.
They let themselves hang, then falling to the balcony underneath.

"I'm on the second floor,I'm gonna have to jump."

"August!!" their mother  exclaimed from the window.

"Come back up sweetheart,please."

" think I'm crazy!" They cried,before taking a deep breath and jumping.

"Maybe I am crazy."

They thought.

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