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I am SO sorry this took forever. I write it all out and then type it, because I don't always get 'inspired' while I'm near a computer, but I will try to make the next chapters more frequent? I really appreciate anyone taking the time out to read this, and any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated. I read through it a bit, but I'm really sorry if there's any typos. Maybe I should find a betta? I'm usually pretty good with grammar and spelling, but minor slip ups are inevitable when speed typing between classes. Anywho, this note is getting longer than the chapter! Thanks so much for reading, and enjoy! 

xoxo - Deanna

Blaine woke early the next morning, an hour or so before his alarm was set to go off. He had had a rough night; tossing and turning restlessly, begging for sleep to find him. It never really did. He didn’t mind so much, he wasn’t really tired. His nerves prevented any feelings of sleepiness. If he was being completely honest, he was only upset because without sleep, time went by excruciatingly slowly.

He tried to clear his head, closing his eyes and breathing deeply, but it was no use. Thoughts of those blue eyes were inescapable. Giving up on sleep, Blaine pushed his blanket aside and climbed out of bed. He headed to the bathroom to shave, brush his teeth and fix his hair. When he was done, he walked over to his dressed and opened the drawer; pulling out the clothes he planned on wearing to meet Kurt.  He stepped out of his sweat pants and tossed them onto the bed, then started getting dressed. He was wearing a tight, black, short sleeve button up tucked into a pair of fitted, red Capri pants held up with a white belt. He slipped on a pair of dark loafers and smoothed down his shirt. When he was finished, he looked at his reflection in the mirror, adjusted his black, white and red striped bow tie, and flinched a bit at his hair. Perhaps he had been a bit too liberal with his gel. He couldn’t help it. He was nervous, and everything had to be perfect.

When he was satisfied with his appearance, everything crisp and put together, he checked the time on his phone. He still had just over an hour until the car was set to take him to Lima. To pass the time, Blaine dialed the hotel’s room service and ordered breakfast. Nothing big; just an omelet and some orange juice. Within 15 minutes, a knock sounded at the door. He opened it and a man in a hotel uniform pushed a cart into his room and stopped in front of the bed. Blaine watched as the man lifted the silver dome on the tray, uncovering his plate and revealing a fluffy looking omelet and a small fruit salad. After he was thanked and tipped, the man left the room. Blaine sat down on the bed and started his meal. He ate slowly to savor the food, but really just to burn some time. Not long after he finished his last bite, a piece of watermelon, there was another knock on the door.

He got up to answer it, and Wes barged past him, clad as usual in a nice, expensive looking suit.

“Good morning sunshine,” Blaine said with a chuckle, closing the door. “Your car will arrive in about 20 minutes,” Wes said, looking Blaine up and down. “Trying a bit too hard, aren’t we?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. Blaine felt a blush rising in his cheeks as he self-consciously straightened his bow tie.

“I… just wanted to look nice,” he mumbled.

“And you do,” Wes ensured with a smile. “You look dapper and gentlemanly, as ever a Warbler should.” Blaine’s grin stretched ear to ear.

“Now, let’s get down to business,” Wes started, rubbing his hands together and sitting on the edge of Blaine’s bed. “I want you to contact me when you get inside the Hummel-Hudson residence. Just sneak off to a bathroom and tell me if everything looks normal. I have their license plate numbers, address and home phone, just in case,” he said, scrolling on his blackberry. Blaine had to keep his jaw from dropping. “You’re having lunch there, so the car will be back to pick you up around 4 o’clock, to give you time to talk and what have you. Naturally, I’ll be accompanying you for the ride there and back. We—“

Make A WishOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora