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So guys, this is my very first fanfic and I'm super nervous! Please leave any feedback you can think of! I know it's short, but this is just a test run to see if anybody is interested in reading! Thanks!

It all started with a wish. Not the kind of wish you're expecting; this wish didn't come from a fairy godmother or a genie hidden away in a rusty old lamp. No, this wish was granted by a group of very real people. However, it contained the same amount of magic as any glass slipper.

Blaine was laying down the track for the song he'd been working on, when his phone went off in his pocket. He set his headphones aside and answered; expecting an irritated Wes to yell at him for skipping their meeting.


"Hi, my name is Keelie James. I'm calling to speak to Mr. Blaine Anderson on behalf of the Make A Wish Foundation."

Blaine was momentarily stunned. Why would the Make A Wish Foundation be calling him?

"Umm. This is he."

"Hello, Mr. Anderson. I was calling to see if you'd be willing to grant the wish of a patient at the Ohio State University Hospital, in Columbus, Ohio."

Blaine had heard of the Make A Wish Foundation before, but he'd never even thought that he would ever be the object of someone's wish.

"A wish? Someone's wish involves me? Wait. Oh no! Patient where? What's wrong with them? Will they be okay?!"

Blaine wanted to kick himself. Of course the wouldn't be okay. This was the Make A Wish Foundation. Granting wishes. Dying wishes. Blaine's heart immediately sank.

"I'm afraid I can't foreclose any information about the patient, or their condition. If you agree to participate, you will be filled in if the patient and the patient's family agree."

"O-okay. Sure. I'd love to help in any way I can. Do you need my manager's number to plan a meeting? Or--"

"We've obtained Wes Montgomery's number. However, here at the Make A Wish Foundation, we don't like to waste any time. That's why we contacted you directly."

"Right. Okay. Well, you have my number and Wes' number. I'm in L.A. right now--"

"We can book you a flight at your earliest convenience and then email you the information."

"That's great! But I'll buy my own ticket and pay for my hotel; and I'll have to check with Wes but I'm pretty sure I can leave on Thursday, if that's okay."

Blaine knew Wes would kill him for making plans without him, he was always telling Blaine to stop being so spontaneous and rash, but this was important. This was someone's dying wish; and it involved him. He was going to pull through no matter what the circumstance or consequence.

"We appreciate your enthusiasm, Mr. Anderson--"


"--Blaine; but that's not necessary. We will handle everything and someone will call you or your manager with further information within the next two days."

"Okay. Please let me know as soon as possible."

"Will do. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. An--um--Blaine. Have a good evening."



"The patient; can you at least tell me their name?"

"Kurt Hummel."

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