Bound to Fall

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How can she be oblivious to such?
The lies that they told,
the stories that were kept in the dark
The secrets they kept from her—
she felt herself fall apart.

Oh how can she be stupid,
completely ignorant
to what is,
what was,
and what's not ought to be. 

Never has she regretted her decision
of befriending
people whom she thought she could trust.
the same people that turned a blind eye on her,
the same people that left her in the dark.
it's her fault...
it's her fault...

Everything combusted,
falling like dominoes in front of her.
all felt spontaneous,
in the saddest way possible.
Slowly were her thoughts nagging her,
Her wayward decisions gnawing her.
Clawing her,
Destroying her...

The visage she made
Due to the damage she caused
Was slowly cracking,

Revealing the facade she wished to conceal.
All was slowly cackling, falling to the ground;
like flames on the furnace
where she threw all her shackles and bounds.
The flames cracked, cackled, and laughed
at her crying figure hunched on the ground.
With the world turning their backs on her,
she was alone to mourn who the person was before her.

Never had she badly wished for time to rewind,
to fix the mistake,
to erase the flaws,
to perfect the statements,
and to hide the claws.
Yet what's ought to be cannot be stopped,
What's not to be cannot be changed.
And what's bound to fall is ought to crash.

Verses from a Broken Soul [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now