You're Never Gonna Like Me Too

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And then the next day

You're not going to need me anymore

Through all the silence

All the minutes

All the time

We went through the strangest

The most passionate

It felt sublime

In the minutes

Of looking for the sanity

I didn't find a single ounce in me

I left myself

Through that an hour ago

I left myself

In all the minutes

I'm paying attention to you

In all the days

I found myself wondering

I realized,

In all its heights

You only need me in that

In all its wonders

The minutes I spent

You're going to remember

It's quite misspent

In all the seconds

I spent with you

I've come to realize

You're not going to need me

And I should too

But why is it

That it feels lonely

To not have you ask

For my existence merely

It's suddenly as if

Feeling lonely

You're only wanting me

For your specific sanity.

Talk to me once more

I'd give you my all

But you only talk to me

As if asking me to fall

Fall into a trap of bliss

That only lasts a moment

Ask me four words

And I'd never say it

But ask my heart

What it would feel like

When you caress my hand

In the darkest of the night

I would answer

In the most truthful manner

In the most stripped version of me

I'd answer;

"Dearest, let me hold you,

In the darkest,

In the saddest,

In the moments of blue,

Let me ask you

If you feel the same for me too"

Verses from a Broken Soul [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now