Orange (Khai/Third)

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Sometimes Third pondered why he loved Khai so much. Yes, he was tall, handsome, charming, and kind too. But he was useless in a lot of other things. Third was leaning against the door frame, observing his boyfriend running around the kitchen like a chicken without a head, desperately trying to clean up the mess on the counter. The pieces of oranges were scattered around, the liquid from them dripping on the floor.
And all of it because he said, he felt like drinking fresh orange juice. He should have known, Khai would do something stupid. 

Third sighs, shaking his head. Khai was an idiot, but he was his idiot, and he loved him just the way he is. He turned around, walking back to their bedroom, climbing under the still warm covers, waiting for Khai to surprise him with the handmade fresh orange juice. 

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