Fall (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Continuation of October Pick/Rome Werewolf AU.

Pick stood in front of the door, guarding it before he heard a soft click of the lock. His deep grey fur shifted as his mighty wolf body moved swiftly towards the other wolf. Din was already waiting for him in his wolf form. The young alpha's maroon fur covered the right amount of muscles. He was more agile, but Pick was more experienced and hopefully stronger too. 

Their bodies collide, jaws clashing, claws scraping against each other. The growling of two alphas echoed through the room. Pick could sense Rome's fear through the walls, and he was determined to end this fight as soon as possible. The brown wolf used Pick's momentary distraction, burying his fangs in his shoulder blade. The overwhelming pain shot through the attacked alpha, making him howl in distress. He jumped away, bumping into the counter. He glared at Din. The younger wolf was smirking his way, mouth coloured with his blood. 

Pick was beyond angry. The distress his tiny omega was emitting was getting stronger. He howled loudly, pouring his remaining strength into the attack. He crashed into the other alpha, making him stumble and fall. Pick's fangs gleamed in the light before they slid into the Din's flesh. A painful cry escaped from his rival. He tried to wriggle out, but Pick's grip on his neck only tightened. Pick growled one more time before Din's body softened under him. He let go, checking the latter was still breathing before he limped back to the door. He could taste Din's blood, and his shoulder hurt a lot, but he didn't care. His Rome was safe, and it was all he needed. 

Lifting his pawn, he scratched the wood, howling tenderly to let Rome know it was him. After a while, the door opened, revealing a crying and shivering boy. 

"P'Pick?" He sniffed, kneeling to the alphas level. Pick nuzzled his nose into the omega's stomach, sighing as the tiredness overwhelmed him. He felt how Rome's hand caressed his bloody fur before he slipped into unconsciousness. 

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