Decay (Off/Gun)

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He could smell them from the end of the hall. The decaying bodies slowly roam through the empty corridors, making him shiver. He was alone, hiding inside the abandoned classroom. The sound of shuffling feet and angry growling was getting closer. He was scared, stuffing his tiny body under the teacher's desk, as he spotted the pale, bloody corpse passing slowly by the classroom window. He flinched, bumping his head against the wood surface. The low noise echoed through the room, making the undead turn his way. His eyes widened, placing his hand on his mouth, trying not to make a sound. It was too late. The rotting corpse banged on the door, calling the others his way. Tears started to stream down his face as he watched the last barricade that kept him alive fall. They were coming for him, and he screamed. 

"Wake up, Babi." Off spoked up, trying to shake the sleeping man lying beside him. 

"Papii." Gun sobbed as soon as his eyes opened, launching himself inside his boyfriend's arms. 

"It's alright Papii is here." The taller man tightened his grip on the younger, kissing every inch of his tear-stained face. 

"They were here, and  they wanted to eat me." Gun cried, clutching Off's shirt. 

"Papi won't let them take you." He whispered, laying them back down and pulling trampling Gun further to his chest. 

"And I won't let you watch a horror movie with Krist and New again." He muttered more to himself. 

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