Eating with the Eyes

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Author's Note: It's not quite how I imagined it to go, but I think it's alright. I just can't think of a good ending. I've never been good at endings...


 Doc's POV:

 " ALRIGHT BOATEM!" I called out as I landed in front of the Boatem Hole, " WHERE ARE YOU GUYS! COME OU-!" I cut off my own sentence and took a step back as I turned towards Grian's train shop.

 My eye narrowed as I used my cybernetic eye in order to zoom in on the train. Despite the zoom, I couldn't really make out much of what was happening.

 From what I could tell, Impulse was in the shop and desperately trying to cut through a bunch of... cobwebs? 

 I unzoomed and shook my head.

 Should I go help them?

 I mean, it would just be funny to just leave them to their struggles due to their recent 'prank' that they released upon the Octagon.

 With a sigh, I rubbed my muzzle and shook my head.

 Honestly, I should just go back to the Octagon and just let Boatem figure out their own problems. But still, they are my friends, and besides, I need to know what's going on over there.

 With a slow stride, I trudged my way across the grass and towards the rocky terrain of Grian's train area. 

 Impulse turned towards me and fixed his signature shirt; a heavy frown was across his face as he looked between me and something hidden from my view.

 My tail twitched as Impulse moved closer in order to meet me less than halfway across the field. Impulse wiped something, probably cobwebs, off of his hands causing them to get stuck to his shorts.

 " Doc. Hey..." Impulse greeted as I gave him a small nod, " What's going on here?" I questioned as I motioned with my head towards the train. Impulse shook his head, " Y-You're not going to believe it, Doc." he mumbled.

 " I'll believe it once I see it." I simply answered as Impulse motioned with his hand for me to follow. My tail flicked as we reached the train car and climbed inside. Once again, Impulse motioned to the far end of the car and I turned to-

 Oh my god.

 Grian's barely conscious body was strung up in a giant spider web that had managed to split off into smaller, more refined cobwebs. Grian's head had lolled to its side and was stuck against the webs; a small bit of drool dripped down his chin and his cheeks and nose were flushed a strange milky white coloring.

 " What happened here?" I questioned as my ears lowered. Impulse frowned and shrugged his shoulders, " I-I don't know. I just heard Grian screaming for help, and the next thing I know, I found him in this condition..."

 Upon hearing his name, Grian blinked a couple of times and tried to peel his head away from the web.

 " Immmppuuuullllssseeee? I don't.... I dooon't feel goood...." Grian sniffled as he coughed out some blood. Impulse nodded, " I know buddy.... We're trying to get you down. Just try and relax."

 Impulse gave me a concerned look as I nodded and took out my sword and began to cut at the edges of the web. 

 After a good while of well placed swings and getting ourselves out of the webs, Impulse gently pulled Grian down from the webs and into a bridal carry. Grian let out a soft wheeze as he gripped Impulse's shirt with his hand.

 " Thanks Doc... I'm taking Grian to his house..." Impulse frowned as he began to walk away.

 " Hold on." I quickly spoke as I raised my claw. Impulse instantly froze mid-step as he glanced back me with a confused and spooked expression. My tail thrashed as I gently touched Grian's head and moved it until the other side of his neck was visible.

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