~Part 4~

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Katya woke up before Leah, as usual. peering over the side of her bed, she saw her best friend curled under a blanket, peacefully slumbering.

"I wonder what she's dreaming about..." Katya flopped back against her pillows, pulling open her curtain to watch the sunrise.

"Probably that Mr Park guy."

After what seemed like only minutes later, she was rudely awakened by Leah shaking her shoulder vigorously.

"Girl, wake up!! It's Saturday!!"

'"..wh..what time is it?" Katya rolled over and ran her fingers through her tangled hair, wincing.

"It's like 10:30, come on, get up!" Leah pulled the covers off of Katya, sending her tumbling to the floor.

"Owww, what was that for?!" Leah smirked and sauntered out of the room. Katya sighed, and hoisted herself off the floor, then headed for the kitchen.

After pouring herself a cup of coffee from the pot Leah had brewed earlier, Katya settled herself on the barstool.

    "What's your plans for today? I got some homework to finish up, hen I'm meeting Mr Park at the coffee shop for a little study snack." Leah blushed at the mention of her dashing boyfriend, and pressed her hands to her face, in a bad attempt to hide her reddening cheeks.

    "Ooohhhh...someone misses their boyfriend.." Katya teased, wiggling her eyebrows playfully.

"Oh shut, leave me alone about it." Leah sank to the floor and buried her face in her sweatshirt, giggling.*ding* Katya raced up the stairs and unplugged her phone from the charger, then typed in her passcode. Tapping on the messages app, she had 3 new notifications. All from Ryder.



6:34 am

morning study girl


meet me @ 8

see u there



"Leah, did you leave for the coffee shop yet?" Katya called up the stairs.


"Evidently not," Katya muttered to herself, as she opened the bedroom door.  Upon entering the room, Leah was sprawled on her bed, wrapped in blankets, typing on her computer, with a steaming cup of dark liquid on the nightstand beside her.

"Yes?" Leah paused the incessant pounding of her keyboard, to look up for a moment.

"Oh, never mind. I was just wondering if you'd left for the coffee shop yet for your date with Mr Park because Ryder asked me to meet him there at 8." Leah's eyebrows raised, and a smirk crept over her face.

"Oh really...? Interesting...very interesting..."


😈 Ryder 😈

10:43 am

looking forward to it 😏

shut up🙄

yes ma'am...



Katya didn't wait around to see Ryder's next message. Instead, she slid the phone into her back pocket, then put her jacket and shoes on, preparing for her usual jog to the coffee shop.

the bells on the door jingled as Katya let it fall closed behind her. 11:01am the glowing white numbers on her watch read. after waving at Jamie and ordering her usual morning brew, a skinny vanilla latte with no cream, she slid into a chair and pulled out her computer. Ten minutes passed, then twenty. Finally after almost forty five minutes of waiting, Katya was fed up. she zipped her bag up and headed for home. her heart felt heavier than usual, because despite all his annoying cracks and jokes aimed at her ego, he was starting to grow on her.
"no, no." she thought to herself.
"i can't like him. i can't."

Katya reached the intersection a few blocks down from her little house and pushed the button to cross, but after standing there awkwardly for several minutes, she realised it was broken. After looking both ways, she began to hurry across the road, then searing pain ripped through her; and the last thing she saw before the world went black was a pair of hazel gold flecked eyes looking down at her.

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