~Part 6~

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I awoke to bright lights. a lot of them. i was dressed in a silky white robe with a golden sash tied around my waist. up ahead was a glowing staircase with an open gate waiting at the top.
"am- am I dead?"
"for now, yes." startled by the voice, i whirled around to see where it had come from. an angel with massive wings hovered behind me.
"but-" i stuttered. the angel only pointed. at the top of the staircase, a white light appeared to be sitting on a throne.
"come." the voice echoed through the vast expanse of the heavens. obeying, i made my way to the foot of the throne, then looked away as my eyes could not stand to look upon the light.
"katya, you will be sent back, for you have come to me before your time."
"but why?" i asked, still confused.
"there are those who still need you on Earth. your time has not yet come." and with that, the light grew brighter and brighter until it drowned out everything around it.

opening my eyes, i heard a faint beeping coming from a machine somewhere, and the slow, consistent drip of a liquid. every bone in my body ached, and it hurt to breathe, but i was alive. I'd been given a second chance for "those who still need you on earth." I tried to remember what had happened, but it was all blank, except for one thing. a pair of gold flecked eyes looking down on me.

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