~Part 5~

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No. not her. it couldn't be her. someone that looked like her, maybe. but, God, not her, please. snapping back to reality i looked out the windshield again, and saw her broken body lying there, unmoving in the road. as though in slow motion, i opened my door and stood over her. the girl who i'd somehow fallen for. the girl who could run like the wind. the girl who i'd accidentally told my dream to, but who never questioned it and accepted my harsh demeanour with a smile. it couldn't be her. but it was. a little ways away, her wire rimmed glasses lay twisted and broken. the contents of her bag were spilled all over the road, the papers and documents she'd worked so hard on, now blowing in the wind. her eyelids fluttered, and i knelt beside her, wiping blood from a cut on her cheek. a single tear slipped unnoticed down my cheek and fell in her tangled hair, sparkling once before disappearing, along with the rest of me. i couldn't lose her.

More hot tears blurred my vision as the medical personnel took her away. I pulled my hair in front of my eyes, in a feeble attempt to hide my emotions. how could it be i'd only know her a couple weeks, yet somehow I couldn't imagine life without her? the ways her eyes flashed at me the day i'd taken her phone, how I knew her simple coffee order by heart, and her gentle spirit were all the things that made her, well, her. the little study girl i'd fallen so hard for. i fell to my knees on the pavement, burying my face in my hands and feeling the tears squeeze through my fingers. i never cried over anything or anyone, oh what had she done to me?
"hold on, please. i still need you." i whispered, voice cracking.
"don't leave me."

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