Seeing an old Friend

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I'm walking down a road, I'm wearing a jacket with a hood, what the hell. Everything feels wrong, all I see is red, it feels like I'm angry. I see Ruby but she looks older, Jaune, Ren, Nora, they are all with her. I see team CFVY with them, but they looked scared. Why, why are they always scared? I pull out my swords, but I focus on velvet, and all I see everything turn to a blur. I'm surrounded by darkness; I'm just floating stuck with my thoughts. These don't feel like dreams, they seem like memories, but I only met them this year so why do I have memories of them?

I jolt up from the drea- no memory. This just keeps getting more confusing, I get up and grab my stuff for the day. Today we don't have school so I'm going to go to vale with team Rwby. The only reason I'm going is to restock the good old magic backpack with random shit I find, you never know what random thing could save your ass.

I'm walking towards the bullhead, and I see the others talking about something but stop when they see me. It's boring being in these things because I can't move as much as I want, I already have to sit in classes and try not to move. We are coming close to the ground of vale, and I can't wait to start running. The bullhead lands, I'm already on my feet staring at the door. The door starts to open, I'm bouncing a bit going back and forth. I see the light shining through it's like seeing the hand of Oum telling me to run to go. As the door is fully open all team Rwby sees is a purple blur going into the city.

I feel alive running, feeling the wind going through the mask, touching my skin. They don't know what happened to me, so when they asked me about my skin, I told them I had a skin condition and got bullied for it. They dropped the subject after that as to not upset me, speaking of them I forgot I just left them at the bullhead. I run back and see them walking around stores looking for some items.

We were walking around looking at all the stores and Weiss talking about the Vytal Festival and being... Happy? I don't get it; she is the grumpiest person I know and I'm seeing her talking about a tournament which are cool but making it sound boring. We found a dust shop with the windows broken and robbed. There are police and detectives on the scene, and I can tell this isn't the last of it. I've seen many of these robberies happen and I just wonder what they're using this dust for.

I was thinking to myself when I heard the argument between Blake and Weiss, I think it was about the White Fang. As they were arguing we noticed a monkey faunas over by a boat. "You no-good stowaway" was all I heard from the man trying to get the monkey faunas "A no-good stowaway would have been caught, I'm a great stowaway" Can't lie the monkey speaks facts.

The Monkey Faunas jumps down from a pole and runs beside us, and I see him wink at Blake. I lean towards Blake on her shoulder "You saw that right" she looks towards me with an agitated look, and I just wink at her. She shoves me of her "what I was just repeating what he did to jog your memory". Weiss wanted to see if she could see how he would fight as he would probably be in the Vytal Festival.

As we were running Weiss had bumped into a girl but didn't care and started getting angry cause she lost where he was. "Uh Weiss I think you bumped into someone" She looks down and jumps back as the girl was on the ground staring up at her. We were staring at her as she wasn't getting up "are you getting up" the moment I said it she pushed off her hands and landed on her feet.

She stared at all of us but stopped on me for a bit, but we walked away from her. "Well, she was weird" they looked at me with a bit of look. "What we were all thinking it, I just voice my opinions". We were stopped by the girl again, but she walked up to ruby and asked her what she called her. To make a short story short or well shorter, it was about friendship between them, and Weiss was talking rudely about faunas and Blake got pissed and everyone lived happily ever after.

They started to go back to Beacon, but I was gonna stay to grab some stuff. I was walking around and going into stores grabbing some stuff. In one of the stores was selling candy, I even found a grocery store and restocked my soda. On my journey I even found those tiny umbrellas you put in your drinks. After all of that I saw two shops next to each other, one was a clothing store and the other was a shop for parties. I looked in both and well I wanted it all. I used some of my money that I saved up and well bought out both stores. Now I make my way back to the beacon.

Scene change!

Blake can be seen running away from the dorms and gets to a statue. She puts her hands to the bow on top of her head and takes it off. "Whoa you're a cat?" she quicky turns to the voice to see Kabal with shades, a fur coat, a fedora, glow sticks wrapped around him, rings around his fingers, a soda in one hand with a silly straw going to one side of his helmet, and a cigar in the other side stuck in the gaps. She was so confused by what Kabal was wearing until he walked up to and touched her ears. "So, soft" she backed away scared "what". "aren't you disgusted by me or angry about me lying" I walked up to her and bonked her on the head "are you dumb, I hang out with Velvet, she's a faunas". After that she looked up at and then started laughing "what are you wearing" I look back at my cool outfit that I picked up from the store "it's my ass kicking outfit, what else"

After all that the monkey guy showed up and we went back to Vale. We hid out for a while and talked about a shipment of dust coming. I had to put the outfit away because it was too godly, for people kept staring at us. I'll only put it on for special occasions, but back to the mission we have been gone for a while and well we found the shipment and are just waiting. I pulled out my lawn chair and took out a drink with one of my straws, while all this happened both Blake and Sun, the monkey guy stared at me with shock. I just ignored them and went back to enjoying the night.

We see drop ships show up with White Fang getting out. I look towards Blake as she was the one that wanted to believe it wasn't them. I put my hand on her shoulder while Sun says, "I'm sorry Blake" she shakes her head "deep down I knew it was them". As they got out of the drop ship, I noticed one figure, Roman Torchwick. Why is he here, God what did you get yourself into Roman, I notice had jumped down and got Roman trapped with a sword put towards his neck. I jumped down to get Roman out of this dangerous situation, but a bullhead showed up. Blake got blinded by the lights it had and Roman used his cane to get away from Blake.

I ran in between Roman and Blake when Blake said "He's mine" she ran past me sword drawn. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away then shoved her the opposite way "You got calm down these Faunas, they will listen to you I got Roman. She wanted to argue but looked around then gave me a nod and ran to the faunas. I looked back at Roman "Kabal what are you doing here and why are you with them" "I should ask you the same Roman, I thought you were going to retire".

"can't tell ya kid" I know Roman, he wouldn't work with anybody like the White Fang he likes to be discrete unless something happened. "Is Neo alright Roman" he gives me a nod "Please Roman I don't want to fight you" He sighs and looks me in the eye "Some Woman found me and Neo, basically gave us a choice work for her or get burned to a crisp". So, they're being forced to steal dust, I can't help them now, but I will "Roman, I'll get you out of this, you and Neo" some bullheads show up with Ruby and I think- wait is that the weird girl.

Some stray shot had hit ruby and the weird girl had swords come out of her back and start messing everything up, then did some unibeam bullshit. I saw Roman leave alright which gave me some relief. Weiss and Yang showed up, then Weiss apologized to Blake. Where did the ginger girl go with the swords and op laser. We made our way back while I with my super speed changed into the outfit yes, the outfit. They didn't notice until I pulled out a cane and made audible noises when I was walking. The glasses even had glowing letters that said Party! They got a good laugh and went to bed but I started to walk through the halls all night. I hope Roman and Neo will be alright, just got to wait for Tomorrow. 

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