Chapter 2

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When they landed they all got out Aiden and Lorenzo carrying their sisters out and to the car careful not to wake them up.

When they got to the mansion after taking Natalia and Chloe to the guest room Lorenzo and Aiden joined everyone else in the dining room. they knew that they had a lot they needed to talk about.

"What happens now?" They needed to decide what they were going to do they also needed to get back to Italy.

Alessandro knew that Ethan was something that his sons were going to have to decide it wasn't something he could. He may have loved his wife more than anything in the world but nothing compared to love a parent had for their children."That man down there hurt your mother he defiled her and killed her. What happens next is up to you but we leave tonight. We try our best to fix what he caused it will not be easy."

Every one of the brothers looked at Lorenzo in truth he and his wife were the scariest of them all. They all knew no one was going to be able to handle it like them. And Adrianna knew and loved Alyssa before everything happened."Why did y'all look at us?"

Cameron smirked he knew that although they may like claiming that they are into hurting people for fun they are."It could have something to with the fact that I don't know you two torture for fun," 

"Go call your imaginary girlfriend." Adrianna scolded she knew how Cameron to be he liked to make the snarky comments and get on everyone's nerves.

"How about you just go shoot someone to relive your anger." He knew that would get to her and the look on her face was priceless."Oh right been there done that already."

"You are testing your luck Cameron." Lorenzo knew how his brother could be he always had something to say and he never cared about what anyone else said to him as long as he could still manage to piss them off.

"Thats the same thing you say every month to a different brother." His phone dinged it was from Lexi and he knew that it was important. He looked back at his siblings."I have to take this." Cameron ran upstairs to his room locking the door behind him he did not need any of them in his personal business.

"What the hell was that?" As long as Leah knew Cameron he had never been that strange before.

The slam of the door had woke up Natalia who walked out the room confused."Oh fuck you Cameron." Kamiyah shouted she knew that he liked his secrets kept a secret but he could at least try to be quiet about it.


Cameron looked at the text.

 I am going to have to sneak out sooner then later because my parents suspect me- Lexi

He dialed her number he needed to make sure that she was alright. He wanted to get her out of town as soon as possible."Hey if you can get to the airport you will be on the first flight to Italy. No passport needed they will give you everything you need when you get there."

"I can tell them i am going to my friends house but what happens when they file me missing. I don't want to be here." She was ready to go she was ready to do something different with her life and finally be with him with no problems. She was ready to be away from her abusive parents.

He wanted her safe as soon as possible he was going to make sure that no one was able to hurt her again."Pack a bag drop it by the window get to the airport when your out the country they have no claim I am not going to let anything happen to you Lexi."

"I'm scared Cameron." She was scared that she wasn't going to be able to leave that something was going to go wrong and she was going to be stuck with her parents for the rest of her life.

"Listen to me baby nothing is going to happen when your in the airport they will put you on the first available flight i am paying them extra to get you out of here as soon as possible." After everything that she had went through he was not about to allow her to go through anything else. She didn't deserve the thing that she had gone through as it was."I am going to see you tomorrow I love you Lexi."

"Love you too Cam." She meant it she didn't know what she would have done without him.

Princess of the MafiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora