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Chapter 20: Summer, 1972

Chapter Text
Dear Remus,

How's your summer so far? Mine is rubbish.

Last week was Bellatrix's wedding - at least she won't be at Hogwarts next year. Regulus and I were groomsmen and had to wear green dress robes. Definitely not my colour. My whole family was there, it was awful. You should have seen what Bella did to her hair, she looked completely mental. Cissy has dyed hers, too - blonde, so she looks like her stuck up boyfriend, Malfoy. I can't believe my aunt let her, I bet my mum wouldn't let me dye my hair.

I wish we could do magic out of school, I've been researching curses in dad's library - should have some excellent stuff for Snivellus next year.

James says his parents are letting me stay with them this summer. My parents won't let me go to the Potters, but they might let me stay with the Pettigrews, so I'm getting Pete to invite me. James said he'd invite you too, I hope you can come. It'll be great, just like school.

See you soon,

Sirius O. Black

* * *

Dear Remus,

Hope you're having a good summer, and the muggles aren't getting you down.

Mum and Dad say you're more than welcome to come for a visit. Sirius is trying to wrangle the whole summer, which would be brilliant. If you can come, reply to this owl ASAP. Mum says she'll write a letter herself if your Matron needs her to.



* * *

Dear Remus,

James and Sirius say they've tried to get in touch with you, but you haven't replied. I told them maybe you didn't know how owls worked. You just tie the letter to their foot, like we've done, then let it go. They usually end up where they're supposed to.

Hope you can come to visit.


* * *

Dear Remus,

Are you all right? We haven't heard anything from you, I hope you haven't tried to use muggle post. I'm at the Potters now, it's great. His parents are really nice, nothing like mine.

James is being a bit of a pain. He thinks we're both getting on the quidditch team this year and keeps getting me up at six to practice flying. Completely bonkers. It's sort of fun though, and if Gryffindor needs a beater then I might try for it. I can't wait to show you my broom, you can have a go on it if you want - you might like flying better if you have decent equipment.

James reckons your Matron won't let you come - do you think if we wrote to Dumbledore or McGonagall then they could get permission? You're a wizard, after all, you shouldn't get stuck with muggles all summer.

If you really can't come, are you going to Diagon Alley for your school things? Maybe we could all meet there in August?

Hope you're ok.

Sirius O. Black.

* * *

Dear Remus,

It's not the marauders without you, please come! We've got loads of room, and Mum doesn't mind. I've been training Sirius and Pete for quidditch next year - I reckon that if we get you over your problem with heights then you might make a decent beater.

You like hitting things, don't you? And you're probably the strongest of the four of us, so I reckon it makes sense. Sirius wants to be a beater too, he can show you how to do it. I'll even see if we've got my old broom still lying around in the shed, and you can have it!


* * *

Dear Remus,

Please come and save us from James' reign of terror. I don't even want to be on the quidditch team.


* * *

Dear Remus,

I hope you're getting these letters. We're starting to get worried about you.

We all went to Diagon Alley together, it was great. James' mum bought us ice creams and let us go wherever we liked. Probably spent about three hours in Quality Quidditch Supplies. I really wanted to get out into muggle London and find a records shop, but we weren't allowed to leave the alley.

Andromeda sent me this new album - Merlin, you really have to hear it, Lupin! It's better than Electric Warrior. Better than ANYTHING. I'm sure the singer is actually a wizard - have you heard of David Bowie?

Are you having a good summer? What's it like being back?

Write soon!

Sirius O. Black.

* * *

Dere Sirus,

Pleas dont send me more letters. Can't read them and matron getting anoyed by the owls.

See you on the train.


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