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Chapter 130: Seventh Year: Castor

Chapter Text
It was easiest not to think, for the next few minutes at least. Remus did not slow down, or tire as quickly as usual - even his hip had stopped hurting. Despite the wheedling guilt he had to keep at bay, he had not felt so good in months. The scent grew stronger as the woods grew thicker, and a shade of darkness fell, casting strange shadows which seemed to move in the corners of Remus's eyes.

He didn't think. It was too late to think; he was too far gone.

Bloody hell a voice in his head popped out of nowhere, when you go for it you really go for it, don't ya sweetheart?

Grant. Remus didn't want to do this, now. Shut up , he willed his brain.

Oh, charming! Grant's voice cackled, here I am, only tryna help. Don't I always try to help?

I don't need help .

If you didn't, I wouldn't be here. Grant's voice countered. I could be someone else, if you prefer? Lots of sensible people to choose from. I've got Ferox here, wanna chat wif him? Or Lily, though she's a bit whingy, if you ask me... Dumbledore? Nah, bit of a prick. Ooh, how about your poshboy? Eh, 'Moony'?

Shut up . Remus repeated, walking faster, breathing harder.

Yeah, Grant's voice agreed, slyly, I can see why you wouldn't wanna talk to 'im, after what you just done.

I had to. Remus insisted. None of you would understand.

Well they won't now, you lunatic.

Remus ignored the voice. There was no time for this; he would just have to deal with the consequences later. He knew there was no coming back from it now, not really.

Hope you like the woods, Remus, Grant was whispering, now, 'Cos no one's going to want you back in civilisation after that mess.

Shut up, shut up, shut UP. Remus raged inside his head, like a mad person; like someone deranged. Perhaps it had been a mistake, to go alone. Perhaps he really had lost it, and his friends were only trying to keep him safe...

No. He caught the scent again, and it stirred up his insides so much that he felt as though he was being propelled by it; dragged forward, unable to resist. It was a feeling he had only ever associated with transformation before, and he had no more control over it in his human form than the wolf did. It was him - the other wolf, somewhere out there. Remus had to find him, or else... well, he wasn't sure, but it wasn't even worth considering.

Something moved, just ahead, and Remus froze. The different scents of the forest began to pile up, he had to concentrate to identify and categorise each one. There was magic. And there was a different kind... it wasn't the wolf; it was female - or feminine, at least, and not lupine at all.

He walked towards it, confused. It was very close, but he couldn't see anything. He found himself in a grove of silver birches - spindly, ghostly white trees with papery bark that glowed in the darkness of the woods. The scent was strong, but still nothing - and he had lost the wolf's trail.

Impatient, Remus pulled out his wand, and cast a revealing spell.

" Aparecium. " His wand seemed to jump in his hand, the force of the magic was so strong.

An anguished wail filled the air, and the tree closest to Remus was no longer a tree, but a young woman. A dryad. She was beautiful - in her own way. Slender and tall as the trees she guarded, her skin glowed as white as silver bark, and her hair rustled with brittle wintry leaves. She rounded on him, baring sharp, yellow teeth, and he staggered back, shocked and amazed.

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