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Chapter 97: Sixth Year: October

Chapter Text
Saturday 9th October 1976

"Ugh," Remus staggered to his feet as the transformation completed and his body settled back into its human form.

"That didn't seem too bad?" James said, having just transformed himself.

"Depends what you mean by bad," Remus grimaced, pulling his trousers on quickly.

James looked away, politely to preserve his modesty, and Sirius, still a dog, padded over with Remus's shirt in his mouth, offering it up with a cocked head. "Cheers, Padfoot," Remus smiled. He wanted to pat the dog on the head, and had to keep reminding himself that this was Sirius.

"Thank merlin it's Saturday," James yawned, taking a seat on the beaten-up couch. It sagged drearily beneath him, springs wheezing.

"Yeah, if Madam Pomfrey lets me off the hospital wing, I'll probably go straight to bed anyway," Remus replied, stifling his own yawn, and laying down on his cot.

"You're lucky," Peter said, appearing as if from nowhere, in a far corner of the room, "S'posed to be taking Dezzie to Hogsmeade at eleven. Prongs, don't you have to lead the third years down?"

"Nah," James yawned again, noisily, "Now Evans knows about Remus's furry little problem she's actually cutting me some slack. That fifth year kid with the sunburn is doing it instead."

"Evans doesn't know anything else, does she?" Sirius finally reappeared, joining James on the couch.

James shook his head, leaning back on the couch and closing his eyes. "Oi," Sirius nudged him, "We've got to go, soon, don't sleep."

"You lot go," Remus murmured, "Get some rest. Thanks for coming, and all that..."

"Coming to Hogsmeade, Moony?" Sirius asked, hauling James to his feet, "Three Broomsticks?"

"Can't," Remus shook his head, "Didn't I tell you? Had my permission revoked. After the attacks..."

"What?!" Sirius looked outraged, "They can't punish YOU for something some other bastard's done!"

"Shhh!" Remus flapped his hand, frowning. Madam Pomfrey could be on her way down the tunnel - and besides, he had a headache, "It's not to punish me, it's for my safety. Now get lost, the lot of you."

They were gone in just the nick of time, Madam Pomfrey entered the shack only minutes afterwards. She gave him a quick going over, and, satisfied, walked Remus back up to the castle. She prescribed him a few hours sleep in the hospital wing, which he was more than happy to accept. With all of his friends in Hogsmeade, there wasn't much to miss out on.

He woke at about lunch time, stomach rumbling as usual. Madam Pomfrey had evidently anticipated this; there was a plate of cold cuts and bread on his bedside table, along with a bowl of fruit and a large goblet of pumpkin juice, which he drained first.

Remus was so ravenous, in fact, that he did not notice the letter propped up in the fruit bowl between two apples until he was well into the construction of his second sandwich. When he saw that it was addressed to him in a script familiar from the hundreds of returned Care of Magical Creatures essays, he almost knocked his plate off the bed in his eagerness to open it.

Dear Remus,

It's a pleasure to hear from you, I don't mind in the least.

I cannot disclose my location at present, but rest assured that I am as safe as it is possible for me to be. I am glad to hear that you are well - Dumbledore told me about your OWL results. I'm incredibly proud of you, Remus, I know you must have worked very hard. Keep on like that and I promise that nothing can stop you.

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