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Chapter 37: Second Year: Exams

Chapter Text
May 1973

Exam season began at the worst possible time for Remus, around mid May, right when the full moon was due. The moon itself fell on a Friday, which meant he was able to attend his Potions test that morning - but he lost the whole weekend to sleep, when he would really have preferred to revise. More than that, the moon had thrown his magic off completely.

He'd thought it was happening less in his second year, but as their exams got closer - whether it was nerves or the lengthening days - Remus found his magic growing stronger, wilder and harder to control. The slightest wand movement caused the most fantastic results, and sometimes he'd barely finished speaking the incantation before light was bursting from its tip, making his fingers tingle with shock.

James had taken to saying 'calm down, Moony!' at least three or four times a day, as Remus attempted to practice various basic transfigurative spells and charms which inevitably went too far. He'd thought that just doing simple incantations might help him gain some control, but this was apparently not the case, as he smashed the dorm room window a third time attempting to levitate his gobstone set.

"Reparo." Sirius muttered, glancing over the top of his Astronomy revision. The window fixed itself at once. Remus sighed.

"You really need to relax, mate," James grinned, "We don't have any practical exams until next week anyway."

"I'm so behind, though!" Remus grumbled, collecting up his gobstones and putting them back in their box.

"If you're behind then what am I?!" Peter wailed from the floor, where he had five texts spread out in front of him, all different subjects. "I know I'm going to fail Transfiguration, my rabbit hasn't changed at all this year, and I know she's going to make us do something really hard."

"At least you're good at Potions." Remus shot back. "And Herbology, I can't ever remember which leaves mean what..."

"You beat me on our last Herbology quiz," James reminded him, "And you've got us all by the bollocks when it comes to History of Magic, I've been copying your homework all year."

"But you're best at Transfigur-" Remus started, but was interrupted by a loud thump as Sirius threw his Astronomy book to the floor.

"Will you all shut up?! I'm trying to revise!" He yelled, standing up. "Like a bunch of old women nattering. I'm going to the library." He pulled his satchel over his shoulder and stormed out of the room.

They sat in silence for a little while. Peter, gnawing his lip, looked on the verge of tears. James sighed,

"Ignore him, he's just in a mood because he has to go home soon. Not that I blame him." He added, quickly. "Parents like that, and all."

"S'pose," Remus shrugged, though he didn't think it was a good enough excuse, really. It wasn't as if he, Remus, was much looking forward to the summer holidays either. All right, fine, he didn't have to marry his cousin, or attend weird stuffy banquets - but nor did Sirius have to be locked up in a cell once a month, or hide from much older, rougher boys whose greatest delight was shoving your head in the bogs.

"He's not staying with you again, then, James?" Peter asked, nervously - probably quite looking forward to a Sirius-free summer, as it meant he would have James all to himself.

"Nah," James replied, sounding much less cheerful at the prospect, "He's got an open invite, obviously - you all have," he eyed Remus, "But we don't reckon it'll happen after the fiasco at Christmas. He thinks he'll be locked up completely until the betrothal ceremony."

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