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Previously on Miraculous Guardians Shell Game and Miraclebound...

"Tikki, Spots Off."

"Plagg, Claws In."



"Trixx, Let's Rest."

Was everyone he knew secretly a superhero?

"Nino Lahiffe knows Ladybug's true identity."

"Besides, I know who Ladybug is too."

"Nino. It's been a long time. Don't trust anyone. Not even your friends. The evil is everywhere. Anyone might betray you. I'll contact you again as soon as it's safe."

"I'm talking about my other brother. Nicholas. He's...alive. I need to find him."

"Nino, the Miraculous Temple was destroyed. There were no survivors."

"Nicholas is in America?"

"There is a new threat, one greater and more powerful than Hawkmoth. And he's looking for you."

"Me? Why me?"

"Welcome to New York. We are the Guardians of the American Miraclebox and we've been expecting you."


"Grimm seeks a power he cannot understand. He believes your brother may hold that power. The Miraclebound."

"But that's only a myth!"

"You seek answers. You've come to the right place. Welcome to the Temple of the Miraculous."

"I...think I have been here before..."




"I renounce you of your miraculous."

"I'm sorry, Nino, but I can't come back. Not yet. The world isn't ready for Miraculouses. It's still too dangerous. Besides, they need me."

"The Guardians think it would be better for you to forget what you've seen here. Safer."

"No! I can't let you do this! I can't lose you again!"

"Goodbye, Nino."

But before that, another life was affected by the power of the Miraculous, and far far away from Paris, a second tale has unraveled, never bold enough to come to light...until now.

"Ah! What are you?"

"Greetings! I am Lorr! Kwami of Wisdom!"

"The kwami-of-the-what-who-now?"

"Basically, I'm the genie in the lamp."

"Well, thanks, but I don't particularly feel like Aladdin today, so if you'll excuse me..."

"You've already put on the Miraculous. We're bonded."

"You must be Lorr's new chosen. Welcome to Tibet, young Guardian."


"There's something wrong with the boxes! For years, the Chinese Miraclebox has lain dormant! It has awoken! Go to Paris, find out what you can! We need to know about these new holders and whether or not they are a threat to our safety!"

"I can't do this."

"You won't be alone."

"I know, buddy. You're coming with me."

"No! I mean, you're actually not going to be alone! There are other holders in the city too!"

"I work alone."

"Ah, don't worry. They're harmless! A lot of hot air, no serious danger to you!"

"Who are you? How did you--no, stay right there! Don't make me throw another book at you!"

"Ah! Come on! Stop it! Lorr, you liar!"

"Oh, great. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and the lot of you want to sit around and talk about boys."

"Last I checked, you are a boy."

"Ohhhh, someone's got a cruuuuussshhh!"

"I do not!"

"The Miraculous Eight! Heroes of the world!"

"You make us sound like some kind of DC ripoff."

"We're running around as animal-themed superheroes, mi amiga. That's kinda what we are."


"Heroes. The world's last remaining crutch of hope and justice, the ones they so foolishly believe can save them from themselves. But the truth is, I have seen the real evils of this planet, and let me tell you, children, you're fighting for the wrong side."

"We'll see about that!"

"Look out! It's coming down!"


I'm sorry.

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