Leaving Zhongli

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There might have been small grammar errors so don't think I'm 8 😟

A couple weeks past. Childe was completely healed and was planning on leaving. He got up.
Good morning." Said Zhongli.
I walked down to the kitchen and made us some breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, bacon and eggs but it was well made. He called Zhongli for food. Zhongli sat down and grabbed his chopsticks.
Thank you for the food." He said with a smile.
I grabbed my pair of chopsticks and tried to use them correctly. I failed and gave up. Zhongli noticed I failed and grabbed my chopsticks and put them in my hand and adjusted them correctly. He moved my hand in the correct motion. I was able to pick up a little if the egg but dropped it after I lifted it to high. I grabbed my fork and took a bite. Zhongli sensed that I gave up. After I finished eating I washed my plate.
Could I go out today?" I asked, I wasn't going to come back though, I was going to stay out in Liyue and live my life.
Sure, I trust you." He said with a rare smile.
I felt bad but it was for the better. I went up to my room and grabbed everything I needed to survive. Then I saw it, the naku-weed plant Zhongli got me. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I didn't think about how he would feel when I don't return. I wiped my eyes and grabbed my bag. I watered my plant and left the room.

I entered the living room and walked out the door. I looked back to see him waving at me. I smiled and waved back. I walked down out of Liyue harbor. I'm planning on setting up a place for camp then make my way to a inn if I don't make it before sun down. I climbed a couple mountains, then I saw the inn. I slid down a mountain and ran towards the inn. It was about sunset once I arrived. I ordered a room and sat down to wait until they tell me it's ready. About 5 minutes past, and they called me. They gave me a key and the floor number.
I entered the room. It had one bed with white sheets. I set down my stuff and sat down on the bed. It wasn't very comfortable but it's all I had for now. I watched the sun set and went to sleep.
The next morning I woke up very warm. I looked out the window and realized the sun was shining on me. I rubbed my eyes and got up. I put on my clothes and walked out of my room to go get breakfast. I got to a dining area and ordered stacked pancakes. The wait didn't take long because there were not many people. My pancakes arrived and I started eating. After I finished eating I left a tip. I walked out of the inn and down to a lake.

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