Chapter 1

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It was May 14, 2016, 8 years since I was adopted from Italy. Nine years since I had been thrown into an orphanage by my biological parents and abandoned.

"Olive!" I heard mom call "Time for school!"

As I slowly awoke, the bright sun pouring into my eyes I got up "Do I have to?" I groaned, still squinting due to the bright California sun. "And you are leaving today" I uttered, making sure to add a sad tone into my voice. I decided to focus my attention on the starry night painting I had on my wall. It always calmed me considering I was an artist and Vincent Van Gough was my idol, however it didn't work, I was still struggling to push back the tears that were daring to come out at any given moment.

"Yes you do", she replied and added that same tone that I tried to use on her.

"But-", I tried to fight back nevertheless she cut me off.

"You are going and I don't care what you say. Your education is more important than your father and I. Also you have a math test today", Mom growled with a mean tone.

I looked away from her, my face was red and I could feel a lump in my throat forming, stop crying Olive you can handle being away from your parents for a few days stop being so dramatic I thought to myself what kind of thirteen year old cries over their parents leaving, I knew I was being hard on myself but, I couldn't help feeling like a baby.

I hadn't noticed I was crying till I felt these warm hands creep up on my back "Shh"

I heard a soft voice whisper in my ear. It was Dad. Mom had left to go get ready.

"I know this is hard for you sweetie. We know it can be overwhelming leaving people you love, And I know it's hard" he paused "I wish I could let you stay home but your mom's right you need to go because the more you stay in the comfort of your mom and I you'll never be able to be independent"

I glanced up at him and his face made me let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding, his voice calmed me.

After a few minutes of feeling comforted in my dad's arms I had to get ready for school. I thought about what dad had said to me the more you stay in the comfort of your mom and I you'll never be able to be independent, It made sense now, on all their other trips they had brought me with them but this one they aren't. It's a test to prepare me for the future, after all I am a teen now.

During school, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened that morning, I was drowning in overwhelming thoughts, being reminded of what happened that made me have abandonment issues

October 9, 2008, 9 years ago

It was a normal day for me, my mom and dad took me to preschool, and I had lunch at home. Then we would go to the playground, but today was different. Instead of going to the park my parents pulled up to this creepy looking house with a sign on top. I couldn't read at the time but I always imagined it said Orfanotrofio, or in English, Orphanage.

May 14, 2016, Present day

I was interrupted when I was deep in my thoughts from my teacher slamming a book on the desk with a loud bang.

"Olive!" she screamed, the whole class looked at me, "Pay attention this is important!"

My face got red with embarrassment, tears forming in my eyes. As soon as she knew I heard her she got back to teaching her boring lesson.

I looked at the clock and it read 2:27pm. There were 3 more minutes till the bell rang. I was usually happy about this but I didn't want to go home. Knowing that Mom and dad were going to leave after dinner.

I walked outside seeing Mom, Dad, and Grandma waiting by our white van, I decided just to look at the ground dreading the seconds that were melting away.

I looked into the back and resting on the light brown leather seats I saw three bags; A green one with a floral pattern, A blue one with geometric shapes all over it, and lastly a pink one with nothing on it. I realized this was really happening. They were going on a 3-day business trip to save somebody's life, considering they were the most well known doctors in the United states. It made me feel a bit better knowing they were only leaving to save somebody.

"Hey honey, How was school?" my dad asked curiously, soft brown eyes unfocusing from his phone to look into my green ones.

"Fine." I muttered. Still a little annoyed they couldn't bring me with them

I looked back down to where I saw the cracked concrete that my feet stood on.

Noticing my mood dad tried to shift the topic to something happy "Before your mother and I leave for the airport we thought we would drop you off at grandma's house and have dinner with you guys" my dad followed

"Okay," I was still a little upset but felt better knowing that I would get to spend at least an hour with them before they had to go.

The car ride was mostly silent and I just stared out of the window contemplating whether I should just act happy and soak up the last hour I had with them, before they left for a few days, and in the end, I decided to cheer up and make the last few moments good ones before they went. " So.." I stuttered before I continued "what time will you get back?" I could see my parents' faces slowly start to form soft smiles before they responded.

"On Monday after you finish school" Mom and Dad responded with comforting smiles.

I nodded in response, even though I wasn't happy about when they were going to come back. I was still glad knowing they would be home in just a few days, And with that, I decided to end the conversation.

We ate dinner and soon enough it was time for them to leave. We took my bag out of the car before we started to drive to the airport. I felt guilty being upset over my parents leaving even if they were doing it for the better, saving someone's life.

As we dropped them off and said our final goodbyes mom reminded me that they would text me when they have taken off and would check in every 20 minutes and facetime when they landed. I felt that same feeling like this morning, a lump in my throat, my lungs feeling like exploding, my face feeling hot and red, and sweating profusely but, I still felt a little comforted knowing that they would facetime and text me as much as they can.



If you are reading this thank you so much for reading! This is my first book I've ever done and I'm really proud of it, I would like to say if you are willing to give this book a try please give me some feed back thanks! <3

(P.S. If you haven't eaten anything please go eat! it doesn't have to be big but give your body the nutrients it deserves. Go grab some water and stay hydrated and remember you are loved I Love YOU!!)

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