Chapter 2

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When grandma and I got back to the house I immediately ran up to the guest bedroom that I would be staying in and rushed to the nightstand because I had realized that I had left my phone at grandmas' house.

I read a text from my mom that said "just took off text in 20" I smiled at it and looked that it was sent 30 minutes ago I started to get worried but just shook it off thinking maybe she just forgot, she'll text me soon so I decided to wait 30 more minutes, and do some homework.

As I looked over to the clock I realized it had been 60 minutes since she had sent her text. Now the phone screen read sent 1 hour ago.

I walked downstairs only to find my grandma crying

"What happened!" I said in a panicked voice

"Honey, It's your parents.." she managed to say " they got into a plane crash"

I felt my legs go numb

"We need to go to the hospital now, grab some clothes and your charger for your phone, and also bring your toothbrush and other necessities because we will have to stay there for a few days," she continued. "Both of your parents are in surgery right now so we won't see them for a little bit"

All I could do was stand there and try to process what she just said.

And then the shock struck me like a bomb that was set off inside of me and I didn't notice I was just standing there till I heard a "Hurry up we have to leave now!" and with that, we packed and left in what felt like seconds.

It was 11:27 pm when I woke up and came to the realization that it wasn't in my head, that it wasn't just a nightmare. This was really happening. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get used to the bright lights when I realized where I was, I was in the hospital waiting room. The same one I came to when I had to wait for my parents to finish their shift. 



Sorry for the short chapter I didn't want to put next chapters event in here and thought I'd just do a short one.

This is my first book so if you have any suggestions or corrections please leave them i the comments <3

(P.S. Go drink some water, Eat some food and don't forget to love yourself!! And remember I LOVE YOU!)

- Ema 

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