Chapter 3

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It was 11:27 pm when I woke up and came to the realization that it wasn't in my head, that it wasn't just a nightmare. This was really happening. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get used to the bright lights when I realized where I was, I was in the hospital waiting room. The same one I came to when I had to wait for my parents to finish their shift.

Then suddenly I saw a doctor dressed in scrubs walk up to us

"Olive and Luci Williams?"

I nudged grandma and she woke up slowly

"Yes, that's us," I said in a shaky voice. My lip was trembling, I was shaking knowing that look on the doctor's face that I had seen so many times before, only this time it was happening to me. Not a stranger across the room. Me.

"I'm sorry to inform you but, your father Mark Williams" she took a breath "I'm sorry but he didn't make it."

"What?" I couldn't comprehend anything he was saying and felt like I need more than just your father is dead to make me believe it, even though I could hear grandma wailing and weeping out "No, No, No this isn't real"

It was only till the doctor said " He bled out on the table, we did everything we could, Again I am so sorry for your loss" and with that she walked away to another family that was gesturing her over.

I finally registered what she was saying and started to weep. My face was red and my head was pounding, my eyes hurt. I wanted so badly to wake up and have my dad holding me in his arms telling me it was just a nightmare telling me to calm down and drink some water like he had so many times before but, he was gone now and there was nothing I could do about it but wait for news about my mom.

It was a few hours later and I was still processing what the surgeon told me when he walked up to grandma and me again. I hadn't realized that she had fallen asleep so again I had to nudge her awake.

"I'm sorry" the doctor started before I interrupted her

"Is she dead?" I asked as I felt tears start to form in my eyes. That same feeling from before returning, the pounding headache and hot tears covering up the dried ones from hours before.

"No" she quickly responded. "However, she is in a coma right now but we only expect her to be in it for a few days" "a week at the most" she finished.

There was a relieved feeling in my body when she said that. When I got confirmation that she wasn't dead and that she would be okay, I was so glad and felt so grateful that I had at least one parent that was alive

I heard my grandma sigh in relief.

I glanced over at the clock and it read 1:52 am I decided that I should get some sleep.



Again another short chapter sorry! Let me know if you like these shorter chapters or if you want me to extend the because I'm willing to do the work if you can do the reading!  And if you made it this far thank you so much it means a lot since this is my first book and I put a lot of time into it.

(P.S. Drink water, Eat food because you deserve it, Love yourself and remember YOU MATTER and I LOVE YOU!!)

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