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Mr. East is asking about you again, Charity announced to an annoyed Karin who rolled her eyes at the name before smirking. While flattered, she was not about to entertain a fully involved man. No matter how much he tried to deny there was nothing going on between him and his daughter's mother she knew for a fact they shared a home. Tell David to holla at me when he's tied up his loose ends, untilt then no need to keep tabs on me. Unbeknownst to her Charity was on FaceTime with Emily and Fab happened to be in the room overhearing the conversation as he was the one who had relayed the message of Dave's inquiry.

C'mon lil sis don't do my bro like that he been on your body for a year now and don't think I haven't seen those dm's that's ya boo on the low.
She laughed to herself, obviously caught. Yeah, and that's Millie man on the high, when David shows me a home they do not occupy together and her moved on to the next man then he can get some real play and my phone number. Until then, we will continue to converse via Instagram when I see fit.

Copy that sis, I'll let him know to dead that and I'll pay for the casket he exclaimed referencing one of his old works.
You cornyyyyyy, Emily get ya husband girl.

She walked out of the room allowing Charity to continue her conversation while she got dressed for their dinner date. As two single women they'd decided to take each other on sister dates once a week to avoid entertaining unwanted male company and have a reason to get all dolled up. The two had met 6 years ago when she moved from Harlem to Charlotte for a fresh start with her family and to get a bang for her buck with the money she earned as an influencer. Charity was a North Carolina native and former football wife. The two had clicked instantly and developed a big sister, little sister relationship over the years.

Applying her final coat of lip gloss she pursed her lips and gave herself another look in the mirror before announcing she was ready. She'd kept it simple with an olive green maxi dress from Charity's boutique with cutout sides, a pair of navy blue Dior Chez Moi Slides and the matching vanity case. She kept her accessories simple with a tennis necklace, tennis anklet and her two-toned Rolex Datejust. She smoothed her hands over the blonde wig she'd installed earlier. The look was chill but still cute enough for dinner.

About damn time miss mamas and don't think I don't wanna see these dang dm's between you and Dave, you slicker than an oil spill talking all that smack just to be entertaining the man on the low. 

It's not even like that sis, I've always told you I find him extremely attractive but that tired ass bm of his and their situationship is a no for me. Fuck I look like competiting with something that look and dress like that?
She didn't have any beef with Millie but any time her and Dave were in the blogs it was nothing nice and it was no secret the woman wasn't the prettiest. She knew from mutual friends that she had basically trapped Dave once his music career took off after holding him down for a year. She couldn't blame the woman he was a beautiful man but trapping a man is something she would never do. The two laughed as they hopped into Charity's 2020 Rolls Royce Phantom.

You play too damn much Rin but I hear that it doesn't hurt to be cordial with the man.

We are cordial and he knows what time I'm on. Besides the fact he's up there, I'm down here we can't really make anything shake.

But what about when you're up there or if he comes up here?

You are really pressing the issue, what's tea sis?

I'm just saying from the times I've been around him and knowing you the way I do I just know he'd be perfect for you.

I hear you sis but thats ole girl Mr.Perfect right now. I need undivided attention and he can't give me that while playing house. Charity nodded and they settled into a comfortable silence while vibing to the sounds of the radio.

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