Part 2

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Jiuns pov - a few weeks later 

I saw Bokyung walking out of her quarters with her Eunuch and new Court Lady, she ignored those who tried to talk to her and kept her head held high - she's been different since Court Lady Jeon has passed on. I followed her to the larger grounds where a lot of palace guards stood with a dirty dressed man on his knees. 

"Your royal highness I'm sorry...I shouldn't of do-" Before he could finish his sentence Bokyung pulled out one of the royal guards swords and swung the blades tip to the mans throat, slicing it quickly and I widened my eyes as I watched the man gag out blood before falling down, she sliced at his back after and he stopped moving. "Dump his body in a ditch and burn it a monster like him does not deserve a burial" Bokyung said and the guards moved to pick up the mans body, Bokying put the guards sword in the ground before walking away from them. 

Left state councillor Han Kijae came walking towards her looking furious, she stopped walking and he slapped her around the face so hard she stumbled back and fell down onto her backside, I went to go over but I stopped myself. "How foolish! I never taught you to be revengeful I taught you to follow in the right path but clearly you're not getting the idea" He scolded, she stood up and sorted out her hat and dusted down her hanbok. 

"I'm sorry grandfather...I won't step out of line again" She said quickly, "You want to be King right? Then do everything I say" Han Kijae said as he glared at her, she nodded her head and he walked away from her. I watched as she watched his every step and her scared expression left her face, she reached into her sleeve and pulled out a small knife and stepped in her grandfathers way but stopped and put her knife away before rolling her shoulders. "Crown Prince Bokyung!" Lee Hwi went running over to her from the other side of the grounds, she he;d onto Bokyung and shook her head. 

After these past few weeks Lee Hwi has tried her best to get on good terms with Bokyung but it doesn't seem to be working, I wish it did. I watched as Bokyung shoved Lee Hwi away from her. "Do you think just because you found out I am like you that I'll accept you?" Bokyung asked, "I still want you to give up being King" Bokyung said, "Why do you want to be King so bad?" Lee Hwi asked and I stepped closer to listen in. 

"Hmm" Is all Bokyung said before walking away from Lee Hwi. 

Bokyungs pov

"Crown Prince Chief Eunuch wishes to have a drink with you" Eunuch Hong said as he walked in my direction, "Alright" I said and he rushed to go to Lee Hwi. I turned in the direction of the guest house and spotted Chief Eunuch standing there, so I stepped up the steps and sat down opposite him. "I'll get straight to the point...I know it was you who sent those people to tail me" He said and I rose my brow, "No it wasn't me but I did help by telling them who to go to get information and help to get information about you" I said and he frowned. 

"So if it wasn't for you they wouldn't of found me in the first place" He slammed his fist against the desk, "You're getting so angry over nothing if there's nothing to hide why are you-" I cut myself off when he stood up and rushed around the table, "You royals are nothing but hungry dogs" He said as he grabbed me by my throat, I held onto his arms and he started to squeeze, I kicked the table over which made a loud noise of the bowls breaking. 

Jiuns pov

Hearing a lot of bowls breaking me and Lee Hwi went running to where we heard it, so did royal guards and even the king came out to see what is going on. When we got there I saw Chief Eunuch holding Bokyung by her throat and holding her up on her feet, "Get your hands off of the Crown Prince immediately!" The King yelled so loud, I kept my eyes on Bokyung and ran over to pull Chief Eunuch off of her and shoved him to the ground, "How dare you attempt to kill the Crown Prince!" I said loudly and the royal guards came over to restrain Chief Eunuch. 

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