Part 4

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Bokyungs pov

I looked around at everyone who was bowed down then I spotted Jiun and my heart dropped, I knew I deceived him the most due to our past. We stared each other out until he stepped back and rushed away from Dami and Hyun, I wanted to chase after him and so I did. "I know I deceived you and I know I did you wrong" I said and he stopped walking which made me stop too and I stared at his hind head. "I'm sorry for hiding it from you I had my reasons" I said and he turned to me. 

"I'm sure you had your reasons but even so I would've kept it a secret do you not trust me? Or...did you not trust me?" He questioned and I bit at my bottom lip, "I didn't tell you because I was scared on what you'd think and scared on what my mother would do to you if she found out you knew" I explained and he sighed out softly. 

"She wouldn't of found out I knew because I'm good at holding secrets" He said and I stepped towards him, "Jiun you're my best friend was my best friend please find it in your heart to forgive me for this and what I did to Dami..." I said and he stared at me blankly, "I'll think about it" Is all he said before walking away from me. 

"Maybe it's too early to say this but....I've hidden my feelings for you since we were young I couldn't tell you how I truly felt about you and now I can..." I said and he stopped once more, "Do me?" He asked as he looked round to me and I nodded my head, "....Get rid of those feelings they're useless to me" He said harshly and I bit my bottom lip, ".....Take care your majesty" he said and stared at me, I slowly turned around and walked away from him to head back to the palace. 

Damis pov

Hyun and Jiun had left me on my own to go visit those they were once close with, I tried my best to find Court Lady Kim and Eunuch Hong after seeing them but they went away so fast I didn't get time to talk to them. "Dami" I turned around to see Han Kijae standing there with his usual stubborn look, he gestured for me to follow him so I did. He lead me to a room at the back of the palace where it looked like nobody ever came to, all these years here and I never knew this part existed. 

"You might be wondering where this building came from well it's new" Kijae said as if he read my mind, he gestured for me to go in first so I did and looked around. "The Kings demand isn't over" Kijae said as some men came in and closed the door, "The death of the true crown prince is reopened and therefore we must get rid of the right person this time" Kijae said as he gave a hand gesture to one of his men, "They've been following your every step since you left the palace we gave you a year to live as a girl but you came to us so willingly" Kijae said as he sat down. 

One of the men stepped to me and stabbed me in the stomach, I gasped and held at my bleeding out stomach as he then swung his sword along my back, I fell onto my knees and stared at Kijae with widened eyes. "Now it is complete truly" Kijae said carelessly, "What...have you done!?" I heard Bokyungs voice before feeling her embrace me as I fell down. 

Jiuns pov

I stood in the palace grounds with Hyun as we waited for Dami, "COME HEEEERE" I heard Bokyung yell before seeing her coming out of a building behind the one we stood nearby, she had her guards rush in befoe they came out carrying Dami. Bokyung held a sword and she had Kijae by his collar as she dragged him to the palace grounds, she forced him onto his knees and the men went onto their knees beside Kijae. 

"You've been working here for a long time Kijae" Bokyung said as she glared down at him, "No you're family" Bokyung said as she looked over to Dami, "Even though she was the twin of the late crown prince she's still a human being who deserved life" Bokyung said as she rose her sword and sliced at one of Kijaes mens throats. 

"You're her maternal grandfather don't you care about her?" Bokyung asked and Kijae stared up at her silently, "You had your men follow her for a killed her because you thought you was continuing my fathers command from years ago" Bokyung frowned and stared down at him. I clenched my fists as I stared over at Kijae, "What're you doing to do to me? You're not going to kill your own maternal grandfather are you?" Kijae smirked and Bokyung smiled back at him, "Off with his head" She said and he stopped smirking immediately, one of her guards came over and forced Kijae onto his hands and knees whilst the guard with the bigger bladed sword came over. 

"I've lost my only family I don't care about a maternal grandfather" Bokyung said as the guard swung his sword down to cut his head right off, I winced and looked away and over to Dami who was held by one of the guards. "PREPARE A BURIAL FOR HER" Bokyung yelled out and the maids bowed their heads, I watched as Bokyung closed her eyes and leaned her head back with a sigh. 

"Her majesty is scary...." I heard one of the maids say as they went past, "I don't blame her she lost many people and now this? It's so hard on her, she has nobody but herself to talk to either" Another one said, "No friends no family...our queen is a lonely woman" The third one said and I looked back over to Bokyung and let out a small sigh. 

"YOUR MAJESTY!" A ragged looking woman came running in to the palace and she fell to her knees in front of Bokyung, "You must come with me must see this" The woman said and Bokyung nodded her head, the woman turned and lead Bokyung out of the palace quickly, so I curiously followed behind them to see many towns people surrounding something and as soon as Bokyung arrived they parted for her, I saw the Queen Dowager laying amongst hay, her clothes were dirty and she looked unclean. 

"Grandmother..." Bokyung quickly crouched down beside her grandmother and held onto her arm, "Your majesty...." I looked round to see 5 men standing there with straw bags over their heads and two men standing beside them with no bags over their heads, "These are the men we found sneaking the Queen Dowager back here" The right man said whilst the left one took off the bags. 

"Public execution for them I do not care for the reason they kidnapped her, their immediate punishment is death no matter the situation" Bokyung said and the towns people nodded, they dragged the five men away, "I demand my towns people to get rid of these people and I will have my guards go with them to make sure they get every single one!" Bokyung yelled as she held onto her grandmothers hand, "As for the Queen Dowager get her back to her quarters and sort out some fresh clothes and a bath for her but first attend her wounds" Bokyung demanded, I watched as Bokyung was about to get up but as she did I felt a little cut on my cheek and then saw her falling backwards. 

"YOUR MAJESTY!" A woman yelled out quickly and her guards ran in the direction the bow had came from, I ran over to Bokyung and saw the bow had hit her right shoulder and that she was bleeding from the head, I picked her up immediately and held her bridal style. "Bokyung" I said in a panicked tone and she stared at me before leaning her head against my shoulder. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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