How you cuddle

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Your cuddles always start on the couch watching a movie, her lying against your chest and you playing with her hair. You'd always kiss her head and whisper sweet nothings until she'd fall asleep. You would finish the movie and then carry your wife to the master bedroom before brushing your teeth and cuddling up next to her again.

All your cuddles take place in the bed where Payton would more often be the little spoon. She likes the fact that you're there to protect her, there to stay. You would always reassure her that you weren't going anywhere and she'd be at ease lying in your embrace.

You and Nathan cuddle differently each time but he likes to feel like he's protecting you so you'll usually be the little spoon or lie on his chest.

Even if he doesn't admit it to the others he likes to lay his head on your chest and fall asleep in that position. When you're falling asleep first however he'll usually let you sleep in his arms.

Your cuddles usually start with both of you lying in Jamie's bed, when he falls asleep you'll go down and watch a movie, Haley practically sitting on you lap.

When you get the chance to cuddle it usually starts with him dragging you down to lie on him before he starts to kiss you passionately, let's just say it usually ends up being more then just a cuddle.

You like to bear hug her all the time. Make sure she's safe and feels loved. She especially loves when you do this after a bad day even though she didn't tell you how she felt, you can just sense it.

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