How they wake you up

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Since she's usually in a hurry for work she'll wake you up quickly with small kisses all over your face.

Payton likes to spoil you and will often wake you up with breakfast in bed.

Nathan likes to hold you in bed for a while before going up so as soon as he wakes up he gently shakes you to get up and lay down in his arms.

It's more common that you wake up before Lucas but when he beats you to it he'll let you sleep in before waking you up with some coffee and toast.

Usually it's not Haley who wakes you up but Jamie, soon after she'll come up with breakfast to make up for it.

Since you and Julian has a long distance relationship he'll make sure you always wake up to a sweet text.

Most of the time you wake her up but the few times she wakes up before you is when she has to go to work. She'd prepare breakfast and coffee before leaving a little note on your nightstand and kissing your forehead goodbye.

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