Snow fight (Brooke Davis)

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The streets were fairly empty as the pair made their way over to the James-Scott house. Brooke insisted on holding her fiancée's hand even if it'd give her a frost bite. (y/n) tried arguing that her hand would be better of in the pocket of her fluffy, warm coat. But of course the designer had none of it. So here she was now, walking down the snowy streets, holding her fiancée's hand, trying her hardest to keep her fingers from going numb.

"Told you they'd be better of in your pocket, didn't I?" (y/n) said in a monotone. Brooke cursed at herself for forgetting that her fiancée is so attentive, always knowing what she feels and what she does. Out of nowhere Brooke felt the release of her hand as (y/n) bent down a grabbed a hand full of snow before throwing it in Brooke's direction. The latter tried to avert the oncoming danger but failed miserably, making sure it hit her right in the face instead. "That's what you get for not answering me" (y/n) exclaimed, grabbing another hand full of snow.

This time the snowball hit Brooke right in the neck, making the snow tickle down her collarbone and onto her chest. She gasped audibly and started jumping around, trying to get the cold sensation to stop. (y/n) tried to hold back her laughter as she watch her girlfriend struggle. Without any warning, (y/n) felt a cold sensation in her face, almost making her tumble backwards. She wiped away the snow with her jacket and saw Brooke laughing at her hysterically. "That was pretty funny actually" Brooke said, trying to catch her breath. It wasn't long until both girls readied themselves with more handfuls as a war broke out between them. A cold and ruthless snow fight.


"WE NEED HOT CHOCOLATE NOW!" Brooke screamed out as she opened the door to the James-Scott house. Both girls giggled as they took of their wet clothes, Haley entering the hall to see what was going on.

"Did you guys get splashed by a bus on your way here or something?" She said, neatly hanging up the two girls clothing.

"Something like that" Brooke blushed and walked inside to the others. (y/n) behind her, whispered quickly to Haley that they had a snowball fight, making her shake her head and giggle. "Why is no one making us hot chocolate?" Brooke asked once entering the kitchen, almost directed to (y/n).

(y/n) giggled and kissed Brookes cheek. "On it" she said and stepped behind the counter. Brooke beamed up with delight, leaning on the other side of the counter.

"Alright now that everyone's here," Haley said, looking at Brooke and (y/n). "Should we start the game?" She continued, leading everyone to the couch were the game was already set up.

Nathan took charge and explained the rules of the game. It was pretty simple, charades, no sounds and no spelling. "Alright, Clay you can start. Quinn," he said. "No cheating" everyone giggled as Quinn was wide agape, acting offended.

They did their turn and then it was Julian and Alex turn. Julian's loud voice echoed in the room as he yelled out his last attempt at guessing what Alex's was before the time ran out. "An airplane!"

"An airplane! Seriously?" Alex said loudly. "I was a giraffe!" She exclaimed, making everyone laugh at Julian's guesses, which included MacDonald's, a dog and, at last, an airplane.

"Okay, okay, okay!" He finally said, smiling at how dumb he was. "Brooke, (y/n), you're up" he then said, hoping to get past the embarrassing moment.

"Nice save pretty boy" Brooke uttered from the kitchen isle. She brought her cup of chocolate over to the couch and waited for (y/n) to clean up and come over. "This will be easy" the brunette looked over at her ex. "Especially thinking of the competition" she nudged Julian's shoulder and he fake laughed once more.

"Oh come on baby, play nice now" (y/n) said, creeping up behind her fiancée. She took a seat beside Nathan, across from Brooke. "Bring it on hun"

Brooke grabbed a few index cards and stood up, ready to turn the words on the cards into motions. "Time!" she said and Alex turned the hourglass, leaving the girls with a minute to complete as many cards as possible.

Brooke started dancing around the room, doing toe jumps and pirouette. It was quite obvious the word was ballerina. She looked at the next card and laughed, the others a bit confused to why. Brooke looked at (y/n) and then down to her belly, which made (y/n) understand what her fiancée was about to do. The (h/c) gave Brooke a nod of approval and Brooke pointed towards the girl's stomach.

"Pregnant!" (y/n) called out, confusing the bunch on how she could guess that by just a point to her belly. It dawned on Haley first who gasped loudly before attacking (y/n) in a bear hug.

"Wait, what's going on?" Julian asked, looking around to find a just as confused Nathan. Alex looked up to Brooke who had tears in her eyes and the former actor realized why Haley was in such astonishment. Alex got up from beside Julian and hugged Brooke, congratulating her over and over. "Nate?" Julian asked again, Nathan just shrug his shoulders.

"Oh my god y'all are so dumb!" Brooke exclaimed, referring to the men in the room. "(y/n) and I are expecting" she motioned for the (h/c) to join her, which the girl happily did. "We're having a baby" Brooke said, her face turning red and wet from the tears that now made their way down her cheeks.

"Oh my god!" "Congratulations" "What?!" We're all exclaimed by the three men. They all eventually gathered their shocked faces together and went over to hug the expecting couple.


"Shall we continue with the game?" Haley said once everyone had calmed down. Brooke and (y/n) had told them how it all happened and answered all their friends questions. She was quite competitive the James girl, but she would never admit that.

(y/n) sat on the couch, nestled into Brooke's side. The designers arms were wrapped around her fiancée securely, one gracing up and down the side of (y/n)'s stomach, the other playing with (y/n)'s engagement ring on her left hand. Brooke placed sweet long kisses on top of (y/n)'s hair and forehead. "I love you my baby mama" she said, leaning (y/n)'s chin up so she could capture her lips in a delicate kiss.

(y/n) hummed into the kiss as her hand reached up to play with Brooke's baby hair on her neck. "I love you just as much as Haley loves winning" she said, earning a chuckle from Brooke. Brooke reached down to (y/n) 's face again, leaning in for one last kiss before they'd had to return their attention back to the game. Once they pulled apart Brooke ushered (y/n) to lay back on her shoulder. The girl did was she was told and nestled herself even more into Brooke if that was even possible. None of them had ever felt as content as now.

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