An unsuspected reunion

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Pony was walking down the lonely streets of the city. Sure, he'd been friends with Willow for a long time, and offered him a good place to stay, safe from the infected, but some things she made him do....... those were inhumane. Past animal instinct. Hell, it wasn't even for survival. If anything, they had only worsened the situation by adding two more survivors on the list of infected. 

He was walking past Ely's enterprises hotel. He didn't have hope he'd find anyone, but at least he could take some supplies. As he was walking past another nearby hotel, he heard a voice. It sounded slightly familiar.

"Well done you two! Especially well done to you, Zee, you've practiced a bit."

"How did I do, Zizzy?" 

It really was her. Pony couldn't believe it. He had always liked Zizzy, past the point of just "best friends". He was so relieved to hear she was ok. He knew that this was a chance. A chance to survive the infection, a chance to try and undo his mistakes, a chance to see his best friend.

Almost with no hesitation, Pony walked up to the gate. It was closed, but he could see trough it. There she was! More beautiful than he remembered. He took a deep breath, and in order to get Zizzy's attention, he began:

"Um hello!"

After seeing her sisters enter the building, Zizzy turned around to see Pony standing at the gate. She was relieved to see another survivor. He looked a bit dirty and beat up, both physically and psychically, but he was not infected.  

"Pony! Oh, I am so glad to see you all well!"

"Same goes here! Could you please open the gate?"

"Sure, Give me a minute!"

After opening the gate, Pony stepped in. The open space leading to the hotel was arranged like a backyard. It had lots of space for children to play in, as well as some training equipment. He looked impressed. Zizzy caught on to this.

"Yeah, not much but it serves. Have to keep those chaotic children occupied somehow."

"Say, how did you end up here?"

"Well, me and my little twin sisters were at home when the infection started. Our parents had gone out and I was called over to take care of the two. Sadly, they were caught near an abandoned police station by a crowd of infected. We found out about the outbreak on the news, and they, well.... They didn't escape unharmed."

"Ouch! Sorry to hear that...."

"Yeah, in any case, we stayed at our original house for about another day, but supplies began running out, and raiders came door to door. Eventually, there was an extreme power outage in our area, and we had to move out. We knew it wouldn't be fixed until this whole infection dies down, so we gathered most of what we need and began searching for a place to stay. Frankly, I had some money on me and we looked for a hotel. Bad luck followed us, as the hotel was attacked by some infected. Almost everyone left, except me, my sisters and two other citizens, Mimi and Giraffy. Both wouldn't leave without their luggage, as they had precious stuff that they needed to survive on, and Zee and Zuzzy would be too scared or tired to run. I was able to fight off the one infected who stayed behind, and thus we have the Hotel to ourselves. "

"I see. How do you restock?" 

"We're as conservative as we can, but I took everything important left from our home old house as well as mine, along side some grocery stores. I am not able to carry much, so I do a supply run every three to four days."

"I see. How about we go together to get some supplies?"

"You need to have experience fighting the infected."

"Trust me, I know how fight an infected and get away unharmed."

"I'll test you tomorrow, before my supply run. For now, let's get you accommodated."

And thus the two friends headed reunited to the safe place.   

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