A close escape (Part1)

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Willow stood behind the cold metal bars still holding her captive. It had one month since she had been caught by officer Doggy and his Detective friend. Her hatred for police and law men had only increased........

Not only that, but she had been separated by her brother William for close to a year, and just when she thought she could had a path, her plans were interrupted by the police, out to get her to justice for the many "crimes" that she had committed. Now all of her progress was potentially set back or even taken back to zero, as in that month, William could have gone to any place he desired.

 She hoped she would have at least seen her parents on her way to the cell. But no, they were nowhere in sight. Probably had been taken care of long ago, probably her following suit. She downright denied the thought of her parents abandoning her....and William.......

Her thoughts were cut off by the a loud, quick sound. She wasn't sure, but the sound sounded something like a car crashing against the brick wall of the prison yard, judging by the sound of bricks being broken, metal screeching and shattering of glass. The wretched wolf  was damn right. Not even a minute later, a cop came busting trough the door leading to the backyard of the Prison.

"Quick, a cop car has crashed into the wall!"

Police men came rushing out that door, almost like angry bees, with only two remaining on guard. The prisoners saw this as the perfect opportunity and caused a riot. Some of the more buffed up inmates kicked open their cell doors and began to set others free.

"OFFICER POLEY!" shouted one in despair, "WE NEED MORE GUARDS!" 

"YOU DON'T FLIPPING SA-" the officer didn't get to finish his sentence, as the police men who ran out busted in back into the building.

"Everyone, evacuate!"

Without a second's notice, inmates and police officers began running trough the door. Everyone ran out, or so Willow thought... 

Just before trying to pray open her cell, Poley, the senior officer fighting the rebellion moments before ran up to her cell.

"Going somewhere?"  he asked, more than slightly irritated.

"Oh come on! Didn't you hear when one of your flipping colleagues yell for us all to evacuate?"

"Yes, I did. Not that old, but I am never letting you out." Poley paused in-between his breaths. "You know, you and your family are quite the piece of work. First your parents, and now you. Who's next? Your li-"

"Say one word about William and it will your damn last, you filthy, rotten cop. I once admired the men of law, tacking care of criminals, or the ones who put innocent lives at danger, yet you captured the members of a helpless family, and force them to live in these..... conditions just for trying to survive trough this cruel world!"

"We're evolving Willow, m'dear. You have to know that actions come with consequences. And these are the consequences of you and your parents stealing food."

Willow was about to give that officer a piece of her mind, when tears rolled down her fur. How dare they speak about her family? Her family that they dismembered. How dare that filth of an animal think that leaving two helpless kids orphans due to their parents trying to give them food trough a not so honorable way? That Polar Bear had no right to speak like that.

"Willow was about to go on a rampage against that officer, even if she would be put down, when....

"What the? Stay back! Back I say!" Poley was attacked by a.... pig? Willow face palmed until she realize something: In it's rampage, the attacking pig had scratched Poley, and knocked him out. His keys flew right in front of her cell. She wanted to grab them and make a run for it, but the beast was waiting for her to do that. So she stood still, and waited.

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