A close escape (Part 2)

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Willow stood behind a distance from the cold metal bars separating her from the creature and the Police officer. She could very clearly see the key, but she also saw the thing watching her. It had dark eyes, no pupils to be seen. It was almost like it was soulless. Willow knew that if she tried getting the key, the best would lounge at her. So she waited.............

Eventually, the beast left. Willow neared the cell bars to see if the coast was clear. The attacker was gone, but the police officer was now acting strange. It was as if the creature carried some kind of mind-controlling virus, that seemed to have been passed on by attacking the victim. Either way she couldn't think of it now, the key was right there, the Guard had his back turned, NOW WAS HER CHANCE!

Quickly, she grabbed the key off the floor, and with steady maneuvering, she put the key in the keyhole. She fettled with it for a while until she heard a clicking sound, and the cell door suddenly jerked. She wasted no time, and got out of her cell. No sooner had she turned however, the cop turned around. Willow knew it was time to fight.

Thankfully, in their mad rush, one of the prisoners wrecked a door, and a metal baar with it. Willow knew it was her only weapon. She rushed to grab the baar, avoiding the cop's uncalculated attack. From there, a huge fight commenced. Even though the cop wasn't in full control of himself, he had many years of training and stood up his ground real good. Willow tried a couple of blows to the head, but they were mostly dodged or blocked. 

"Damn it!" she groaned "There must be-" she was cut off by a bat swinging towards her. She knew she was now outnumbered, and thus had no chance but to fight. She grabbed her baar and ran away.

She bolted through the cafeteria, and open a semi-close door, just to see a wall of lasers blocking her way. Luckily there was a way around them, and had she not been careful, it would have ended bad for her. She soon reached the exit, ran out and shut the door behind her tight.

 Finally she was free. But an apocalypse had started. She had to now fend for herself and try to look for "William!" she exclaimed and went pale. He was only just a child, what if he was caught? Willow began hyperventilating, but soon calmed down. She knew this would do her no good, and the best thing she could do was go look for supplies, then her long lots brother..........

And thus, a new chapter in her book began......................

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