A moment of self-reflection

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The lone wolf stared into the night, waiting for her former enemy to manage to call in a ship. She thought about her life ever since she was put behind bars and the whole infection had started. Would she ever see William again? She didn't know. All she knew was that at the moment finding and curing Zizzy, the bigger sister of the twins, was better than to try and aimlessly look for her lost brother. She thought about it............. 

At one point her focus was broken by someone tapping her. She looked to see one of the two twin zebras, looking at her in curiosity. She wore a light pink dress and a beanie the same color. She looked at the once antagonizing wolf, with those sweet eyes, only children possessed.  Willow's heart warmed up.

"Hello there little one. Why aren't you playing with your sister?" 

The child said nothing, and pointed towards her much more chattier twin playing with a piggy wearing something like a sailor's uniform. She found it cute.

"Feeling lonely, ey? Hmph, guess this is how William left each time I.........went to loot on supplies...... Poor fella. No wonder he ran away. Must have been a terrible big sister." A tear rolled out of her eye and into her fur. Zuzzy rested her head against Willow's arm to try and comfort her. Willow took a deep sigh. She turned towards the much more innocent being and kneeled in front of her. 

"Listen, I am sorry for taking away your sister. I was just so blinded by revenge I... I didn't think properly. I promise however, I will do my best to help you get her back, okay?"

Zee smiled warningly, and as a tear began rolling down her cheek, she lunged and caught Willow in a hug. The wolf was taken by surprise. She stood in shock for a second before hugging Zee back. She then felt a feeling she hadn't felt in a long long time: The love of a child. She knew that she wouldn't let them down. Not as she did with William.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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