The interrogation

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Zizzy looked around for a way she could escape after she was finished being escorted. Unfortunately, they took her on the shortest way possible to the room she was about to be interviewed. Zizzy knew that the TSP members would guard the exit like wolves. Pretty ironic given type of animal their leader was.

 Soon, they arrived at a small room. Prior, a managerial office, now, well, by the looks of things, an interrogation room. 

"Tie her down to the chair!" ordered Willow.

"I shall proceed to do as I'm required!" responded the fox member of the group.

"Ya know, ya ain't flipping funny, Felix!"

"But my intend is far from being fun-"

"Cut it out, and tie down the God damn zebra!" burst out Willow, loosing her patience.

Soon enough, the job was done, and the two guards proceeded to leave.

"Right, keep things clean here, alright? No romantic business please! Looking at you Willow!"

"One more word and it will be your last!" Boomed Willow, preparing to release the safety on her gun.

"I shall now...... disappear....!"

"Stupid actor. Thinks he's soooo funny. Sometimes I genuinely cannot stand him..."

"So you're les-" Zizzy was cut off by Willow pointing a gun at her.

"It doesn't matter, or does it?"

"No, no it doesn't." 

"Exactly what I thought." Now, spill the beans!"

Zizzy looked around, trying to seem confused.

"Don't want to be rude, but there is a noticeable lack of beans here, and it would be a waste spilling them on the floor on a time like this." Willow squinted her eyes.

"Listen here, stripes, I know you're smart. Your games don't fool me. Now tell me or else.."

"What , you're gonna shoot me? Listen Willow, if you kill me, you will never know where our hideout is."

"I'm sure pony and your little officer friend would tell me."

"Not a chance! I've known them for a very, very long time, and they would never rat us out."

"Pony? Maybe not, but the officer will, if you ask them the right way. Officer always do what they're told to do, even if....."

Zizzy stood in silence. Willow was in a sensitive moment, and if she let her alone for a while, the notorious wolf would be reasonable with her.

"Even if, it means tearing a family apart.......They took our parents....then Daisy came in, and out, and then William......." Willow held her scarf and trailed off. 

"Was he your brother?" asked Zizzy in a gentle tone, trying to sound sympathetic and helpful. Willow turned around and shot a bulled, Missing Zizzy by only a few inches. Silence fell for a while, until there were some footsteps coming.

"Is everything here alright?" asked one of the guards who escorted Zizzy.

"Little zebra won't fess up, by her own will, so I think it would be appropriate to introduce her to our special guests..... Take her there, and guard the door so she doesn't escape."

"Yes, Willow!"

The wolf Turned around and looked at Zizzy dead in the eye before saying: "Let's see how well you can stand your ground against a very common foe in these times.."

(Sorry it took so long, school just drained up all my time LOL)

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