Chapter 18

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'Hey, do you want to go back to the orphanage?'

'Me? Nah. I like this place. Maybe I can Kip and kill some time here at night.'

'Then, I have an offer.' Kensi said.

'We have an offer.' Deeks smartly added.


'You know, for what you've done for us, it's time that we helped you. Do you like the orphanage and the orphaned?'

'Not too much. I'm more of a lone wolf.'

'Cool. Then you might like to hear this. So... do you want to live with us?'

'Me? Of course!' It was the best news that I've ever heard!

'Good. I have taken care of the paperwork.' Hetty the ninja snuck up on us again, scaring the hell out of Deeks and us all.

'How did you know?'

'Because, I hear things.'

'Ok. Thank you so much.'

'So that's a wrap, huh?' Ziva asked, walking in with Gibbs, Estelle and the others.

'Yep, and that means, that you have to go. Back to DC.'

'Yes, it sucks.'

'I guess, see ya then.'

'Hey, before I go, something that I have to say to you all.' Estelle said, while turning slightly red.


'I finally figured out why she looked so familiar to me.' Estelle said to me.

'I'm all ears.'

'I saw you in the orphanage. And I had the tech guy dig in about my past and your past. And they're very similar. I think that we're sisters.'

'Wow. Really.'

'And that brings us to another question. We'll be separated, after reuniting.'

'I appreciate your decision.' Gibbs, said, knowing what would happen.

'Hetty, up to you.'

'Fine. One more wouldn't hurt.'

'Thank you.' Estelle said, looking at me, smiling. I guess that I wasn't alone.

'Maybe you can stay at ours too.' Deeks and Kensi said.

'Thank you, that would be nice.'

'So, I guess that it's goodbye, Estelle.'

'See ya... I'll visit sometime.'

'Cool. And we're proud to have you as one of us.' Gibbs said pulling Estelle in a hug.

The others followed. They embraced in a huge hug.

'Wheels up in twenty.' Gibbs said, a bit sentimental.

'See ya, keep in touch.' He said, hugging us each in turn.

'Will do.'

They left. I'm going to miss them.

'And also, I have something to say.' Kensi again.

'Go. I'm intrigued.' Sam said, anticipating.

'Let me see, a new house. A new bar.'

'Nope. But it's something new, all right.'

'What's new.'

'This.' She choked up a bit.


'I don't know about it. Only she knows.'

'I'm going take a couple of days off some day in the future.'

'Really. Oh. I get it.'


'I'm so happy for you.' I hugged her. The warmest hug that I ever gave.

'And wait. What's that peeking out of your pocket?' I asked Kensi.
'I don't know. I'll see.' She pulled out the sheet of paper.

'Oh. I know about that. Gibbs told me not to say, but he left a list of their numbers in your pocket. He told me to tell you to use them well.'

'Thank him for me.'

'Tell him yourself.' Estelle pointed to the topmost number.

'Hello? It's Kensi...'

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