Part 1 : It's just happened

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'Why are you here then?,' 

Balqis tersenyum, 'Random conversation with random stranger,'  jawapan yang biasa dia ungkap setiap kali lelaki di aplikasi Litmatch bertanyakan soalan yang sama. Sekadar meluangkan masa kosongnya dengan berbual bersama orang tak dikenali.

'What's so fun about it?' soal lelaki itu lagi. Balqis mengalihkan perhatiannya pada chat lain, keluhan kecil jelas kedengaran. "It's fun, sebab I don't need to know new people and welcome someone new into my circle," jawab Balqis sendiri, jarinya sibuk mengalih kepada chat lain.

"Takde ke lelaki yang borak topik best best,"  Masih mencari chat yang dia rasa perlu untuk di-reply, "Sapa ni?," Nada suaranya jelas yang Balqis memang tiada interest nak buka chat tu, but she opened it up.

'Hi, nak ig boleh tak,' he asked. Balqis tercengang,  who went asking for Instagram account when it's your first time talking?  'Lol, gimme yours first,'  tenang Balqis reply, hiding her emotions behind texts, 'I can't just give my ig account for someone who i just met aight?,'

Satu message pop up dari bawah, 'lqmnhkm'

"Here we go again," Laju Balqis menaip username di bahagian search Instagram. Kalini, she just tekan follow and back to the chat. Didn't even have the intention nak stalk mamat ni, since she knows yang most of the people on Litmatch at least got one weird fetish like her. 'Done' said her, and kalini Balqis terus tutup phone. 

Truthfully, sepanjang enam bulan Balqis main Litmatch, there're lots of nasty people so Balqis tak pernah nak expect jumpa decent person on Litmatch. She met gays, budak bawah umur, those horny mfs, yang suka test market, yang berniaga, yang lesbian and those who are actually looking for their true soulmate. Oh tak lupa jugak those yang macam Balqis, that's just being there because they're bored. 

She doesn't like the idea of exchanging contact dekat Litmatch because she easily loses interest with online people. Tak baik mainkan perasaan orang so she would immediately pangkah orang yang cari girlfriend or friends, although Balqis pelik with people who can accidentally catch feelings.  - Said someone who actually dated a Tinder match for a month.

As an introduction, Balqis just broke up from her 4 years relationship for a certain reason, she left a good guy with pretty bad anger issues. Then she caught feelings with a guy that she met on Tinder and had a relationship for a month. But her Tinder match left her sebab she wouldn't give him any nudes, though he gave her money. And that's how Balqis ended up ada few trust issues and traumas.

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