A Diamond greeting

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(Art created by me)

i was inside me gem, light blinding me... i had always kept my eyes closed for the longest time while i was in here. when i started to form i panicked! 'what if i didn't wanna be stubborn!!! what if i didn't wanna be white?!?!' i thought to myself as a light surround me. 'oh great.. more light to blind me once again!' i thought sarcastically. i finally formed kneeling down on one knee looking down, as in to bow before whoever where infront of me. i opend my eyes, as my vision were hazy. my eyes adjusted to the light and I looked up from the ground to see four diamonds infront of me.

i stood from my position and created a symbol, though im not sure why. i bowed with the symbol still present across my arms. " Greetings my diamonds, it is an honor to meet you all." i said in a calmly manner for i knew i had to respect these gems. "hi!!" a voice beaming with joy shouted from a blue gems shoulder. the gems joy made a faint smile tug at my lips. "hello there starlight." a booming voice spoke coming from a tall white lady behind two tall blue and yellow gems. "welcome." a soft and cheery voice spoke from the blue ladys mouth. 

"finally good to see shes formed. now i have things to do white, we all do." the yellow lady said making me annoyed, and my smile fell into a 'seriously?' expression showed on my face, which caught the attention of the small pink gem, causing her to jump off of the blue woman who was glaring at the yellow lady with a threatening glance, shoulder.

 "don't worry shes always like that" the pink gem said with a nervous smile of her face.i was still pretty pissed at the yellow woman's words and knew id be in for trouble with the yellow lady. 'stubborn.' i thought to myself. then the pink gem hugged me, i was unable to react as i stood in shock at the gems sudden uncalled for movement. she released from the hug and said "my names pink diamond!" pink said. 

i smiled and responded" i am white Quartz, Pink Diamond" pink simply giggled and the other Diamonds introduced themselves."i am blue diamond." said blue. "i am yellow diamond" i snarled to myself at the yellow diamonds voice, still not over her rudeness earlier. "and I, am white diamond my lovely Quartz." white said with a smile plastered on her face. i shivered at the sight but hid it easily."it is as honor my diamonds." i said with a blank expression on my face. "the honor is all ours Quartz.." blue diamond spoke with a smile, making me smile back once again.

{5,000 years time skip brought to you by white T-posing with shades on}

i was in my chambers as i heard a knock on the door. i walked of to the door and opened it. to my surprise it was pink pearl! "hey pink pearl!" i said with a smile across my face. "p- my diamond wants to see you!" pink pearl said cheerfully. other then blue pearl, pink pearl was the most fun to be around. and one of the most playful too! "alright then! tell pink diamond ill be on my way!" i spoke still smiling. "ok! see you later Quartzy!" she said walking away from my chambers. she always called me that nickname!

 it irritated me so much but she was beautiful so i went along with it. i blushed that pink pearl gave a nickname to me. i let out a sigh as i thought of her...

i then realized i had been day dreaming and was abruptly snapped out of it from being slapped by yellow pearl, who had seen me while she was walking by. "HEY!" her raspy annoying voice yelled. "stop laying in the doorway. YOUR DROOLING ALL OVER THE WALL!!" yellow pearl said.

i then went wide eyed as i realized what i was doing, i straitened my posture so suddenly, i almost fell over-" i uh- RIGHT! ehm- sorry.." i said nervously rubbing the back of my neck with my hand. "if it happens again ill have to alert my diamond." yellow pearl said more annoying then ever. "yup! sorry. wont happen again." i said not really meaning it. she did just Fuckin' slap me after all -_- 

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