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May 1st, 2019

I woke up with an awful pain in my neck. Falling asleep on the couch was a dumb idea. Using the arm rest instead of a pillow was even dumber. I lifted my head off trying to stretch my neck, letting out a louder groan than I'm proud of. Only to be startled when the arm rest asked if I was okay.

I jumped up, my head spinning from the sudden change in positioning. "Steve!"

"Yes? What? Did you forget you slept in my room last night?" He chuckled. His room. Well that's helpful.

"No, I just- I woke up confused I guess." Confused, but very happy to be here.

Steve leaned over, wrapping his arms around my hips and lifting me up, bringing me down so I was straddling him. "Happy birthday, sweetheart." He kissed my neck, his breath tickling me. I closed my eyes, aware of every way he was touching my body.


He looked up at me as I ran my fingers through his hair. "Breakfast?"

I gulped. "Yes please." His signature grin feeling too much like home as he leaned forward and kissed me, grabbing a shirt to pull on as he walked out of the room.

"Okay, Care. What the hell is going on here?" I rubbed my head and looked around the room as I whispered to myself.

"Jarvis? What's todays date?"

"It is May 1st, 2019 Miss Swift." He replied in the typical monotone voice I expected. A bit of comfort after watching the marvel movies where he becomes Vision. I realized how many things were different about this world that I never would have thought. I looked around and saw a notebook.

If it's May 1st, my birthday... and yesterday was May 1st... am I repeating every day? In each... universe? Reality? Whatever this is?

I started to write down what I know.

I'm dating Steve.
I have my own room.

Even if I haven't seen it yet...

Bucky and I are... complicated.
Wanda is my best friend.
Wanda is not with vision, vision is still Jarvis.
Tony and Steve get along.
Peter is an Avenger.
Natasha and Tony are alive.
Something traumatic happened to me.
I chose Steve.

I stopped there. That was enough information. I opened the drawer on the side of the bed I slept on and saw a bunch of hair ties, tampons, makeup wipes, so this was my drawer. I hid the notebook under a bunch of junk and closed it.

"Your presence is being requested in the kitchen, Miss Swift." Jarvis spoke again. I climbed out of bed and pulled on one the first shirt I saw. I definitely loved how Steve's shirts fit on me, like a big hug in clothing form.

I turned the final corner to the kitchen and jumped when I heard screaming. "Happy birthday Caroline!"

I jumped back, slamming against the wall, feeling exactly where I hit the counter two days ago... yesterday? Fuck, this was confusing.

Steve was instantly in front of me. "I'm sorry, we didn't think we just-"

"No, it just startled me. I'm okay. Thank you." I smiled at the rest of the group they were all here.

I got a little emotional seeing Tony and Natasha next to each other, I'm so grateful End Game did not happen here. Sam was talking to Peter, both with childish grins on their face. Bucky was staring at the ground, like he was actively trying to keep his eyes anywhere but on me. I looked at Wanda last, and she raised an eyebrow, letting me know she definitely saw me looking at Bucky.

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