Night's Rest

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Under a field of diamonds in the sky,
Hopeful eyes lighten from wonder,
As if the world sings with each passing by,
Many wain off into soundful slumber.

Under the calming faint light of night's noon,
When beauty is at its full bloom,
The owl lets out its echoing croon,
Flies away leaving feathers from its plume.

Silent beauty gleams up high,
Decorating heaven's crown,
Dazzling soft light, hereby,
Dancing upon the blanketing gown,

Relieved from dreadful crowns of thorns,
For a peaceful hour bound by night,
The whirling world free from mornes,
Few witnessed this moment long sight.

Eastbound, rises a ball of golden flame,
Changing the sky into hues of yellows and reds,
The hour of peace was lost without acclaim,
As people awaken and rise from their beds.

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