Chapter 21

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When Draco said he wouldn't let Harry out of his sight, he meant it. He was sticking to his boyfriend closer than his own shadow. 

"We have to head back for class, my Prince."

"If I was still mad at you, I'll have you know I would've let you go to class all by yourself."

"I really am sorry Draco."

"I know you are Harry", he replied with a sigh. "You still have some explaining to do."

"In regards to?"

"Whatever your 'plan' was, and where and what your third tattoo was. Unless it was the star?", he pressed.

"You'll find out soon my love, just don't be too mad at me."

Draco snorted and lightly hit Harry on the shoulder.

"As long as my face isn't tattooed on your body."

At Harry's silence he raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Potter. What did you do?"

"Obviously to commemorate how you can be a pain in my arse sometimes, I got your face tattooed there", Harry said seriously.

"Oh please, as if you would subject Luna to that."

Draco prayed he called the bluff right, because this seemed like something Harry would do as a joke.

"You got me there ", Harry admitted. "Merlin that would be funny though."

"Grab your things you prat, let's go."

After collecting their things, Draco turned to Harry with a feral grin.

"You know, it would be my pleasure to be a true pain in your arse Harry. You just say the word and I'm yours", Draco said with a wink, apparating back to Hogwarts before Harry could do anything about the effect of his words.

"I probably deserved that", Harry muttered, shaking his head.

As soon as they arrived back, McGonagall was waiting for Harry and Draco.

"Mr. Potter. The Minister is in my office looking for you. Apparently it's urgent enough to interrupt my learning environment."

"Sorry Headmistress. I'll catch up with you later Draco?"

"I expect chocolates for taking notes for you for two days", Draco replied with an eye roll as he walked away.

"I'll buy you a whole chocolate shop!", Harry yelled at his retreating figure.

Draco turned back to flip him off before remembering McGonagall was there.

"I love you", Harry mouthed to him.

The smile on Draco's face said it all., even as he shook his head and walked away.

"Care to tell me what this is all about Harry? You're not in trouble are you?"

"Damage control, that's all. I'm working to set things right as I should have done months ago."

"It's okay to move things at your own pace Harry. Remember that."

"I know Headmistress. I just want everything to stop sometimes."

Walking into the common room, Draco felt he was back on trial, and tensed up immediately.

"Move, give him some space!", Blaise yelled.

"He's with McGonagall", is all Draco said before retreating to the safety of his room.

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