A mission to Hogwarts

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Hello ;) This is my second story and I have one really good things planned ot for this :3 I hope you enjoy! Comments and votes are always very appreciated!!

Percy There we were. There I was, consumed by anger, grief, intrigue, and worry. Chiron had called us to a meeting, a council. I honestly didn't want bad news, I almost died like my friends and the whole Camp; nearly Olympus was destroyed. I think we've lived long enough. I don't think I can stand anything else. The war made me live what no one should suffer. I lived the worst in this world.

I walked through Tartarus and something inside me broke. The same happened to Annabeth, only she could not recover. She spends the nights screaming through nightmares and during the days, she does not leave her cabin. All she does is sit on her bunk with her eyes lost in the void. We broke up, over time we realized that our relationship was destined to fail, and yes, we said we would not separate again, but the other reminded us of the place we wanted to forget.

After all, I realized that I had jumped just for my personal loyalty, my fateful flaw. I must admit that at first my rupture hurt, but then I found its logic. Now, all that doesn't bother me, I still love her, but like a friend. Speaking of friends, Leo survived. He returned to Camp a few months after the war and did not arrive alone, Calypso appeared from his arm. I was glad to see her, after all, she didn't deserve to be locked up on that island with her heart always broken.

Returning to the subject ... I went to the big house, where Piper, Jason and Leo were already. They were sitting around the game table, Chiron looked worried and if my instincts did not fail me, I saw sadness and pain in his eyes.

"Ah, Percy!", Chiron said when he saw me. "Sit down, please." Then he fell silent and began to walk around the room. A few minutes passed and Nico appeared. For a moment, my heart stopped, to start beating at a brisk pace.

His face showed signs that he had just woken up. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. Then, I realized that if I was so tired it was because I hadn't slept well. In demigod language: nightmares. I instantly felt guilty. Nico was only fourteen, the same age I was when we went on the mission in the Labyrinth ... and it hadn't happened. I realized how much I had changed. His joy and spirit had faded. I felt guilty, because if I had taken good care of him, he would not have suffered so much. He would not have the life he leads, he would be happy.

—... ercy. "Chiron?" "I was so absorbed that I didn't realize he was talking to me." "Are you okay?" "Everbody looked at me with a worried gaze. "Yes. Why do you ask?" They still gave me sceptical looks "Don't worry. I'm fine. Why did you call us here?"

Won't the other cabin chiefs come? Jason, my bro, asked. "No." It will be just us. "Then tell us why you called us," Leo said impatiently. Although you could bet a dollar on the sand that it's just your ADHD.

"Guys, I know about everything that's happened and it's only been five months since the war, so I'm ashamed to tell you this, but ..." He took a breath and sighed. I have a mission for you. There was a great silence. Jason hugged Piper, Leo lowered his head and started fiddling with some wires, Nico grimaced painfully and I ... I got angry.

"Kronos, Gaea. Now, what? The four horsemen of the Apocalypse? Is there never going to be peace?" "I thought." "But ... Chiron!" Po-why? It was only five months, five months! I don't want another mission. We've been through a lot! I exclaimed. It's not fair. Not again. You saw what happened to Annabeth. I don't want my friends to go through the same thing. "Percy, I know, but ..." He lamented. There's nothing I can do. I will not force you. Just ... listen. "It's okay." "Let's listen, but don't ask for more," Jason said, holding my arm in support. He sighed. Many years ago. Centuries, to be exact. The goddess Hecate blessed some people, thus granting them the gift of magic. Then-

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