First classes

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For the first time, the demigods slept without dreams. If that continued throughout there stay at Hogwarts, the heroes had no problem staying as long as necessary. The morning came and everyone was getting ready for breakfast. Everyone except Percy, Nico and Leo. In Ravenclaw they were all ready as good students. Piper had already gotten up and changed, she looked annoyed to see his reflection wearing a uniform. After a few minutes, a dreamy uniformed Leo appeared. Seeing Piper laughed out loud, she frowned.

"Beauty Queen," Leo said with a laugh. They were the only ones in the common room. I never thought I saw your side Aphrodite. "Shut up Leo," she snapped, but she looked amused. Look, I wouldn't talk if it were you, considering how you look. Leo stopped laughing and it was Aphrodite's daughter's turn to make fun of him. "I really don't understand," Leo said in exasperation as he lifted his robe. Why wear a shirt and tie? Tunic? Although I have to admit that I look fabulous, but that's not the point! "I want to see how Percy looked." Leo raised an eyebrow. I never thought I could see him in order. "And now you're telling me?" Come on! Imagine Di Angelo!


At Gryffindor things were ... a little more complicated. Jason had already gotten up, as had his roommates: Harry, Ron, Neville, and a certain Seamus. Well, except Percy. "What is Dumbledore thinking? This is already overcrowded!" He thought. The wizards had already left the room, so it was just Jason and Percy who was still asleep. His hair was messy and he had drool on his chin, the blond smiled. He walked to the bed and ran his hand through his hair, asleep, looking very innocent, as if no war had corrupted him, as if he had never killed or gone through hell. He never had options or the opportunity to show weakness and Jason wanted to protect him. He was about to wake him when the door opened.


He was in the common room with Ron, Hermione, Neville and Seamus. The last ones talked about the tournament while Hermione told me I had to apologize for the train. Actually, she was ordering me. "Harry," Neville said. The new students will arrive late. "Bad luck for them." If they wanted to be treated they had to go to Hufflepuff. "Nothing to do," Ron said. It was noticeable that he didn't like the them, right? No idea. "Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed. The alluded man was startled and scolded. Go get them! Hermione was very good at giving orders because instantly Neville, Seamus, Ron and I headed to the bedroom. Although, I think we just obey her so we don't listen to her anymore. When we entered, we found a Percy asleep while he was stroked by Jason. I don't know why but the new ones give me a headache, that is, Percy is too affectionate with Jason and Nico, but Jason is supposed to have a girlfriend ...

"Emm ... Hello," I said. Jason, I wanted to apologize for what happened on the train. I'm not used to shouting and I said all those things without thinking. I ... I'm sorry. "It's okay." He smiled sideways and looked at Percy. You don't know us, you couldn't guess the impact of your words. That's why I ask you to think better of the things you're going to say. "Thank you." "I'll consider him," I said, scolding him, but I knew he was right. They should go down to breakfast. It's getting late. "Yes, I suppose," he said, looking at Percy affectionately. I was about to wake him, but he looked so calm that I didn't want to.

"Are you boyfriends?" Seamus asked, I looked at him so he wouldn't say more. "Why do you ask?" The blonde wanted to know, raising an eyebrow. "Because they hug and caress him." All you have to do is kiss him. "I motioned for him to shut his mouth once and for all, but to no avail." "I think I said I had a girlfriend." "Piper, isn't it?" He asked, though it was obvious he didn't believe her. "Yes." "But isn't this one of those cases where she would say, 'This is my boyfriend Jason, and this is Percy, Jason's boyfriend?' The sound of my hand slamming into my face was heard throughout the room. "Eh ... no." Percy is my friend. My bro. Then his expression was more serious. They should move away, when he wakes up he is a demon. I don't know why, but I believed him. I pushed aside Ron, who hadn't moved; Neville and Seamus walked away. Jason started talking to the sleeping boy, but he didn't budge. Then she shook him and Percy began to move, frowning as if something hurt or scared him, and then woke up. He opened his eyes and his gaze was fierce, he didn't seem to be focusing, so he wasn't fully awake yet. He lunged at Jason, pushing him against the wall and put his forearm against his throat. The blond was trying to talk to him without success and he was already a little red.

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