The sorting hat

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What Harry shouted at us really hurt me. Okay, the guy didn't look like a bad person, he didn't know us and he got angry, but that doesn't give him the right to shout at us whatever he wants. It reminded me of all the bad things that ever happened. All the deaths I witnessed. Problems with my father, for whom I'm not good enough. Persephone who hates me. Then ... worst of all. My stay in Tartarus, Lotus Casino, Westover Hall, Zeus killing a mother I can't remember, the loss of Bianca, whom I loved like no other. I wanted to hit that guy Harry! I had to ruin everything!

First, Percy had hugged me. Well, it's not like I've ever done it, but I'm still amazed every time they give you their loving minutes. He makes me feel protected and loved, but he doesn't have to know. Then came that Malfoy idiot and Percy's startling outburst when he was called gay. It's not fair! Damn it, Potter! We defend them, and for what? To remember all that we have lost? It's not fair ... I began to remember my time with Bianca, when I still liked Mitomagic, it seems like so much time has passed since then.

Then there are the memories of Percy saving me, when he cleaned the stables of the Triple G Ranch for me, even though he knew I hated him! Memories of him making me laugh, spending time with me, including me in camp. After that, goodbye to Percy's memory and ... and to him. I was devastated by his disappearance, and when I found him I could not tell him the truth, and even when I did not tell him who he was, he went to rescue me from that jar fighting with two giants. Percy is the only thing left for me that really matters to me. He is the one who helps me every day, the reason I have not given up. I can have Hazel, but it's not the same, she has Camp Jupiter and Frank ...

All that reminded me of that Harry Potter. He reminded me that I am alone and that those who are with me will end up leaving me. "Nico?" "What?" I said, turning around and Jason was there. "What's wrong?" "Nothing, don't worry," I said, trying to downplay the matter, but I realized Jason didn't believe me. "You're remembering, aren't you?" He asked cautiously. He looked worried. "Mhm." "Me too." "I looked at him in more detail and saw that he was also sad." His life hadn't been easy either. "You know that we must approach Harry and his friends again if we want to complete the quest right?" "Yea I know" Jason realized I didn't want to talk, so he left.

We had already gotten off the train and were waiting to be told what to do or where to go. All around me were only boys in robes, strangely happy to attend school. I wore the same clothes from the camp, I didn't know the magicians wore uniforms.

Suddenly, someone covered my eyes. "Who am I?" A voice asked that was unmistakeable to me. In addition, the smell of salt water flooded my nostrils. "I know it's you, Percy," I said. He released me. "How did you know?" "He wanted to know." I turned around and he was grimacing like a stew.
"Who else was it going to be?" "Well, that wasn't the real reason, but I wasn't going to tell him it was because of the smell or the sound of his voice." It would sound bad. "Okay." I already understood. "And he smiled at me, but I couldn't answer him." He wasn't in the mood. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Don't lie. I know you." He stared at me and saw the same concern Jason had shown, but for some reason he couldn't lie to Percy. "That's what this Potter boy said." "Don't let that affect you, Nico" he said as he held me by the shoulders. "I've lost a lot. I only have you and you will also leave me" "That's not true." he said. "Nico, look at me. That is not true! I don't know what made you believe that." "Previous experience, perhaps?" I replied wryly. "And don't lie to me. I don't get along with Piper and Leo. Hazel has her life with Frank and Jason will go with his girlfriend." "And what about me?" He asked. "You'll leave me, too." "No, Nico." They ... "Just leave me alone." I wanted to cry, but I wasn't going to humiliate myself that way because of simple words spoken by a wizard. "First it was Bianca and despite not having anyone else, she still left me. And then you ask why I think they're going to leave me? There you have your answer!" "Listen, Nico." I looked at him and he held me by the cheeks, something he had never done before. "I'm not leaving you, can you hear me? Never. You are important to me and I would never abandon you. Do you know why?" "No," I said frozen in my place.

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