Chapter Eleven: Melissa and the Second Merc

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"My apologies for interrupting such a heartwarming moment Cyclops, but I came to check in on ze little one since it has been a quarter of an hour." Spy said. Then he looked at Melissa. "I mean no offense mademoiselle." "None taken." She replied. "Everything is just fine." "Say there lass," Demo said to her. "I'll be goin' ta see Soldier for awhile. Do ye want to come with?" "No thanks, I think I will spend some time with Spy." answered Melissa. "It would be an honor." The espionage expert (cue the distorted scout laugh for any of you french speakers) said. He steadily walked towards the table and held his hand out for her to climb on. "You can hold on, as long as you don't ruin my suit." He told her. "I'll try not to." The little woman replied. "Could we possibly go and check on the other spy's head?" "I'm afraid that we cannot. Medic's taking care of him alone. Are you thirsty?" "Yes please." Being the gentleman that he was, Spy carried Melissa to the kitchen. As he got out a bottled water and poured a couple of drops into the cap, he noticed that something was troubling Melissa. "What's wrong?" Spy asked. "What if I don't ever become normal again?" She said softly. "Fear not, we are doing all that can to help you." He responded. "Engineer has just finished building the shrink ray replica and he is deciding whether to test it on the BLU team or on an inanimate object." "Thank you." Melissa said.

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