Original Sin

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Aspen: "Damon!" she calls out, entering the boarding house "Damon."

Katherine: "Aspen" she greets, making said woman turn to face her "Lovely to see you again."

Aspen: "Katherine. Figured you'd skipped town the first chance you got."

Katherine: "Well what can I say. I love the company here."

Aspen: "Uh huh. More like out of all the enemies you made overtime, we're the ones least likely to kill you."

Katherine: "That may also be true."

Aspen: "Yep. Where's Damon?"

Katherine: "Right this way." she smirks, leading her upstairs towards Damon's room
Elena: "It was just so vivid. It had a red awning and this broken neon sign, and he was screaming in pain." the two hear as they near Damon's room

Damon: "Well, should I go check in the attic, see if there's a crystal ball? Maybe you can conjure up an address."

Katherine: "Route 29. Joe's Bar. I think I had the exact same dream." she announces, standing in the doorway with Aspen beside her, making Damon groan as he face plants into his pillow


Damon: "So I've found 9 bars along Route 29, and none of them are called Joe's."

Elena: "I had a feeling there was something wrong all summer, and I ignored it, but I was right. Stefan was in a safe. Probably killed whoever it was that found him" she sighs, shaking her head as Aspen runs a hand over a map, mouthing a spell to herself

Damon: "It doesn't sound crazy. It is crazy, but I'm open-minded."

Katherine: "Shotgun!" she calls out, making the three turn to face her with raised brows "What? I get carsick in the back seat. Another charming human side effect you stuck me with."

Elena: "Please tell me that she's not coming."

Damon: "Trust me, I have no interest in Katherine's well-being, but for some reason, Silas wants her real bad, and if Silas wants her, I want her more."

Elena: "Can't we just stash her in the cellar or maybe a deep, dark well with a pair of water wings?"

Katherine: "Do you really think that I want to take a road trip with you, America's most boring, self-righteous vampire? Just remember, Damon wouldn't have to play bodyguard if you hadn't shoved that cure down my throat."

Elena: "You were trying to kill me."

Katherine: "I will admit, though, I take great pleasure knowing that you wasted your one shot at a human life on me."

Aspen: "Will you two shut up. Before I find a well and throw you both in it."

Katherine: "I want to find Stefan just as much as you do and not just because I don't want to be a pawn that you can trade off for his life. I care about him. I always have, and since we've been having the same dream, makes me think that you care about him just as much."

Aspen: "Got it." she announces, releasing an annoyed breath as they look at where Damon's blood landed

Damon: "Ok. Train's leaving the station. Choo-choo."


Damon: "You sure you know what you're looking for? Last bar had a red awning and a neon sign."

Elena: "I'll know when I see it."

Katherine: "Me, too."

Damon: "Didn't ask you."

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