Second Date

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Harry and Ginny's second date is going to the park for a picnic.

So,that's where they are in the park sitting on blanket Harry is against the tree and Ginny is between his legs.

"I know we only have been going out for three months but I really like where this is going.", Ginny said

"Me too.", Harry said wrapping his arms around her waist.

Ginny turned around and give Harry a kiss. And they were just snogging a lot.

"Oh.My.God.Harry Potter.", a voice shouted

"Oh god.", Harry said and turns his head into Ginny's shoulder.

"What?",Ginny asked

"Cho. How are you?",Harry asked politely

"Good.Despite the fact it is the 3 year anniversary of Cedric.", Cho said

"Oh yeah I forgot about that.", Harry said sincerely

"Oh you forgot about the death of one of your fellow police officer.",Cho said with a bit of sass

Ginny just let out a snort and Cho turns to her.

"Who are you?", Cho said

Harry answered,"Ginny this is Cho and Cho this is Ginny,my girlfriend."

"Wow.",Cho said ,"Good luck with him."she whispered to Ginny and walked off

Ginny asked ,"What was that about?"

"Cho and I dated after her ex-boyfriend pass away and he was a friend of mine and sort comfort in each other but not in a sexual away in a friendly but Cho wanted more but I wasn't ready to get in a relationship back then.",Harry explained

Ginny asked ,"Are you ready for a stable relationship?"

"With you definitely.It wasn't meant to be between Cho and I.",Harry said confidently

"Besides I love you from the first time I met and I never ever had a feeling like that before." Harry said

"I feel the same way.",Ginny said

"Why does someone always interrupt us when we are on date?",Harry asked

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