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Ten Years Later

It's been ten years since James Sirius Potter was born and since then the Potter and the Weasley family have been busy.

Harry and Ginny Potter
Harry Potter is 35 years and is still the Chief of Police .
Ginny Potter is 34 years old and is a stay at home mum but does reports on football from time to time.

James Potter II is 10 years and is at Secondary School and is now on the football team like his parents.

Arthur Remus Potter is 8 years old and is at Primary School and isn't like his brother.He likes read and play board games.

Lily Luna Potter is 6 years old and is also at Primary School and likes sports such as football.

Ron and Hermione Weasley
Rose Weasley is 8 years old and is in the same Primary School as Arthur and they are best friends.

Hugo Weasley is 6 years old and is in the same years as Lily and they are best friend as well.

At the Godric Hollows Secondary School , The Potter's are walking into the school and going to watch James to play football.

Lily is on top of Harry's shoulder and Arthur is holding her mum's hand.

"Come on daddy , let's go and watch Jamie.",Lily said

"Ok let's go and find some seats.",Ginny said

The four Potter's found a seat in the school. Arthur is sat between Harry and Ginny and Lily is sitting on Harry's lap. As you can probably tell , Lily is a daddy's girl.

After the game had finished , by the James team won , all of the Potter's and Weasley went to the Potter's house to celebrate the win even the whole team is coming. They are having a barbecue.

Ginny is preparing the food when Harry walks behind her and wraps his arms around her waist and kiss her cheek.

"Have I said that you look beautiful today?",Harry asked

"Yes.Yes you did.",Ginny said

"I can't believe we fell in love on a dating app and also have children.",Harry said

"I know right.I'm glad I signed up.",Ginny said

"Me too.",Harry said

"I love you Harry.",Ginny said

"I love you too Ginny.",Harry said

And they kissed.

The End

Authors Note

I hope you enjoyed reading this story.

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