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On Harry and Ginny's one year anniversary,Harry surprises Ginny with a proposal.

Harry and Ginny are strolling along the beach and walking hand in hand while walking barefooted.

"This place is beautiful.", Ginny asked

"Your more beautiful.", Harry said lovingly

They got to the point where Harry put a blindfold over her eyes.

"What are you doing?", Ginny asked

"Do you trust me?",Harry asked

"You know I do.",Ginny said

Harry turned Ginny into a specific spot and just let her stand there.

"Ok.Take of the blindfold.",Harry said

Ginny took off her blindfold and gasp. She looked at the scene.

"Ginny , I never thought I met anyone who I will love so as a joke I did a profile on 'Meet Your Soulmate

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"Ginny , I never thought I met anyone who I will love so as a joke I did a profile on 'Meet Your Soulmate.' But I am glad I did because I met the love of my life. So.",Harry asked and got on one knee and Ginny gasped and Harry said ,"Ginevra Molly Weasley will you do the honour of becoming my wife."

"Yes.Yes.I will marry you Harry.",Ginny said excitedly

Harry got up and gave Ginny the ring and they kissed.

Harry got up and gave Ginny the ring and they kissed

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"Oh Harry it's beautiful.",Ginny said while Harry is putting the ring on left ring finger.

"I know that's why I chose it because you are beautiful.",Harry replied , "Look in the inside of the ring."

Ginny looked inside the ring and said ,"Always and Forever.I love it."

Ginny looked out the layout , "Harry it's beautiful and who knew you could be romantic."

"I know right but I did have some help from your brother's.",Harry said

"Really?Did they give you their permission?,"Ginny said

"Well they did but I only asked your dad. ," Harry said

"Awwww",Ginny said

Harry and Ginny sat on the blankets and start to have dinner and drinking red wine.

"So,when do you want have the wedding? Ginny asked

"You want to start planning now?",Harry asked

"Yeah why not?", Ginny said

"Ok so when do you want the wedding.",Harry asked

"Near Christmas time so that in the new year we start our new life together.",Ginny said

"Wow wasn't expected that.",Harry said

Harry and Ginny just laid down and cuddled with each other

Harry turned to Ginny and said ,"Where do you want to have the wedding?"

"Here in Godric Hollow it's closer to our families.",Ginny said

"Yeah and then we could decorate the church in a winter theme.", Harry said

"What date?",Ginny

"How about in October and then in November we have the whole month off together.",Harry suggested

"Sure",Ginny said

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