Chapter 5- Within The Waters

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Heyyy, actually updating this somewhat timely. I've been excited to get to these chapters, as stuff starts to build up (or well, that's the plan). And we've got the inclusion of some more characters!

Warnings- censored swearing, and that's it I'm pretty sure

"Yesterday you told me that we were going to meet other sirens today," Sophie whispered as her and Keefe sat at the dining room table. While it was just the two of them in the room, she didn't want to risk anyone overhearing. "I thought you told me that sirens are solitary."

"I don't like following the rules," Keefe replied, and well, that made a lot of sense actually. "And I'm not always around them. The two of them are the ones who constantly stick together, I just join them occasionally."

"If it's possible, why don't sirens stay in groups?"

The look on their face was uncharacteristically serious. "I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I haven't made any physical contact with you while we were both sirens."

She thought about that day. They did for the most part keep their distance, and even when they came closer, they didn't make any contact. It didn't seem to matter before, but she did notice that they were physically affectionate. Brushing hands with her, or something as simple as leaning an arm on Fitz's shoulder.

It could have been excused as the fact that they'd barely known each other at the time, except that they still barely knew each other, and were even more unfamiliar with Fitz.

"It's impossible for a siren to touch another siren," they continued. "You can try, but seafoam will emerge, stopping you from making contact. Besides, broken hearts are already rare enough, but to find multiple is nearly impossible. In the end, you want to become human, even if it'd mean leaving your "friend" behind. It's easier to stay alone."

"The other two don't care about that, do they?"

"They're both fiercely loyal," Keefe replied, looking fond. "I have a feeling that if one of them became human, they'd find a way to stay with the other."

"If sirens are meant to leave their siren life behind, why are we going to meet them?"

"I like being with them, and since I'm still half-siren, I can still find them again. But also, Linh and ver brother have been sirens longer than Marella and I, they know more. I'm hoping that ve would know something as to why we're half-siren."

Linh, ver brother, and Marella. Wait... "Didn't you say that we were meeting two sirens? You just mentioned three."

The smile on their face fell. "I've never actually met Linh's brother, he... went missing before I met ver."

Sophie may not have been the best at reading a situation, but she was able to tell that they were approaching a topic that was probably off-limits. She tried to think of something else to talk about, but failed to come up with something.

Fortunately, Fitz and Biana entered the room, which ended the conversation.

"Wait, you don't work here," Keefe remarked, gesturing to Biana. "I know you hang around, but do you come here every day ?"

"Do you have a problem with me being here?" she asked. "But if you really wanna know, I'm job searching. I just don't like being by myself."

"Oh, that makes sense. Why don't you just work here?" they asked.

"Unlike the two of them," she gestured to Sophie and Fitz. "Being a florist isn't a job I'm interested in. I'm planning to be a volleyball instructor, to teach kids, and all that."

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